Locator: 44664B.
WTI: $76.57. Up 3.58% for the day; up $2.65 for the day. New sanctions on Russia. Amazing how much "stuff" Biden is getting done in his last 20 days.
Active rigs: 33.
Four new permits, #41501 - #41504, inclusive;
- Operator: Hess
- Field: Stanley (Mountrail)
- Comments:
- Hess has permits for four wells, NWNW 12-155-92, three RS-Sorenson wells and one RS-Piepkorn well; to be sited 263 FNL and 797/896 FWL
Thirty-nine permits canceled, as a reminder:
From East Daley:
- WPX:
- three Charles Blackhawk permits;
- ten Charging Eagle permits;
- seven Two Shields Butte permits;
- four Skunk Creek permits;
- gems:
- an Emerald permit;
- an Amethyst permit;
- a Ruby permit;
- a Citrine permit;
- a Sapphire permit;
- sharks:
- a Hammerhead permit;
- a Tiger permit;
- three FBIR Johnson permits;
- a Chokecherry permit;
- a Hoser permit
- a Loonie permits;
- an American Elm permit
Two producing wells (DUCs) reported as completed:
- 38099, 450, BR, Stafford 12-34MBH, McKenzie;
- 40392, 1,822, WPX, Missouri River 25-36HZ,
Two dry holes:
- 39541, dry, Grayson Mill, Knight 38-26F 5TFH, McKenzie County;
- 40283, dry, Eagle Operating, Wade 5-11, Renville County;
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