Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Production Records for North Dakota

Also noted at CarpeDiem with commentary. Enjoy. 

Wells actually producing:
  • August: 7,719
  • September: 7,899
Wells capable of producing in September: 8,682

Oil production:
  • August (adj): 21,743,671
  • September (preliminary): 21,854,812
Daily average:
  • August: 701,409 bopd
  • September: 728,494 bopd
Percent daily increase, September over August: 3.86% (fairly respectable)

  • August: 90.87 bopd/well
  • September: 92.26 bopd/well


  1. You have been busy posting all the news about the North Dakota economic miracle. A lot of interesting things, I haven't looked at all of them but will do so later when there is time.

    Meanwhile Mark Perry has posted the September production figures, 728,494 bpd up from 701,000 bpd for August.

    1. Great link, thank you. I posted it above for easier access.

  2. bruce, .0386% on a annual basis is .4632% i say thats better then respectable

    1. Actually, I think it's incredible, but if I say "incredible" in the stand-alone post, I get a lot of mail telling me I'm an idiot. I have to understate some things to minimize nuisance comments. Smile.

      Seriously, I do think it's incredible. It's even more incredible when one considers how fast this has all developed, and how infrastructure is still a challenge.
