Friday, March 2, 2012

New Record: Friday Evening, March 2, 2012 -- 206 Active Rigs Drilling in North Dakota

A reader alerted me to this and I just confirmed. The NDIC website is reporting 206 active rigs drilling in North Dakota, which sets a new record. The previous record of 205 was set on February 1, 2012.

I am very, very impressed. It's even more impressive when one realizes an increased number of rigs are being moved just across the North Dakota border into eastern Montana. Those being moved to Montana do not represent a large number, but it does affect the North Dakota total.


  1. Just looking in the Sidney Herald at the number of applications to drill, mainly in Richland County. I do believe the boom is moving westward and look to see alot of activity in the Eastern MT area over the next year.

  2. And as of March 3, 2012 the rig count is 207!

    1. I was away from the computer when this was reported, but it was the first thing I checked when I got back home. I have posted the new record.

  3. This morning (Saturday) they are now showing 207 rigs.

  4. Anoher new record this morning. 207!


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