Friday, September 25, 2020

A Closer Look At Slawson's Drilling Plan In Big Bend-Bakken -- September 25, 2020

From the NDIC hearing dockets, October, 2020

Case (not a permit):

  • Case No. 28574: Application of Slawson Exploration Co., Inc. for an order for the Big Bend- Bakken Pool, Mountrail County, ND, as follows: 
    • (i) create and establish two overlapping 640-acre spacing units comprised of the S/2 of Sections 14 and 15; and the N/2 of Sections 17 and 18, T.152N., R.92W., authorizing the drilling of a total not to exceed four horizontal wells on each proposed overlapping 640-acre spacing unit; 
    • (ii) create and establish an overlapping 640-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 of Sections 15 and 16, T.152N., R.92W., authorizing the drilling of a total not to exceed two horizontal wells on said proposed overlapping 640-acre spacing unit; 
    • (iii) create and establish an overlapping 960-acre spacing unit comprised of the N/2 of Sections 14, 15 and 16, T.152N., R.92W., authorizing the drilling of a total not to exceed two horizontal wells on said proposed overlapping 960-acre spacing unit; 
    • (iv) create and establish an overlapping 960-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 of Sections 16, 17 and 18, T.152N., R.92W., authorizing the drilling of a total not to exceed four horizontal wells on said proposed overlapping 960-acre spacing unit; 
    • (v) create and establish an overlapping 1920-acre spacing unit comprised of Sections 19, 30 and 31, T.152N., R.92W., authorizing the drilling of a total not to exceed four horizontal wells on said proposed overlapping 1920-acre spacing unit; 
    • (vi) create and establish an overlapping 1280-acre spacing unit comprised of Sections 15 and 16, T.152N., R.92W., authorizing the drilling of a horizontal well on or near the mid-section line between the N/2 of Sections 15 and 16 and the S/2 of Sections 15 and 16; 
    • (vii) create and establish an overlapping 1920-acre spacing unit comprised of the S/2 of Sections 15 and 16 and all of Sections 21 and 22, T.152N., R.92W., authorizing the drilling of a horizontal well on or near the section line between the existing spacing units of said proposed overlapping 1920-acre spacing unit; 
    • (viii) amend the number of wells allowed on an existing 640-acre spacing unit comprised of Section 15, T.152N., R.92W., from three wells to one well, and amend the number of wells allowed on an existing 640-acre spacing unit comprised of Section 16, T.152N., R.92W., from four wells to one well; and 
    • (ix) amend Order No. 30830 and any other orders of the Commission for the Big Bend- Bakken Pool to terminate the following: an existing 1280-acre spacing unit comprised of Sections 14 and 15, T.152N., R.92W., in Zone XX; an existing 1280-acre spacing unit comprised of Sections 18 and 19, T.152N., R.92W., in Zone XIV; a 1600-acre spacing unit comprised of all of Sections 16 and 17 and the E/2 of Section 18, T.152N., R.92W., in Zone XXX; and a 2560-acre spacing unit comprised of Sections 15, 16, 21 and 22, T.152N., R.92W., in Zone XL, and, 
  • such other relief as is appropriate.

I haven't looked at this closely enough, but it appears Slawson is breaking up some larger drilling units (1280-; 1280-; 1600-; and a 2560-acre drilling units) (total of 6,720 acres) into smaller drilling units (640-; 640-; 640-; 960-; 960-; 1920-; 1280-; 1920-acre drilling units) (total of 8,960 acres); and, decreasing well density in the general area.

Disclaimer: in a long note like this there will be content and typographical errors. If this is important to you, go to the source.

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