Saturday, February 8, 2020

Idle Rambling, Saturday Night, February 8, 2020

This is going to be a huge year for moon-watchers -- not moon-walkers -- but moon-watchers.

Tonight -- a huge snow moon. It will "peak" at 2:33 a.m, early February 9, 2020, but midnight will be just about as "good." Only two more hours.

And it's the fourth-largest for 2020. That means there will be three "bigger" super moons this calendar year.

Which reminds me of a joke making the rounds after Trump's most endearing line coming out of his "victory lap" speech:
“But now we have that gorgeous word, I never thought a word would sound so good. It’s called total acquittal, total acquittal.”
Down here in Texas, we say there are only three kinds of people in the world: those who can count and those who can't.

Back to the skies. Venus has really, really been visible this past week. I'm still amazed that Algore, Occasional-Cortex, St Greta all arrived on the scene just in time to save the earth from humanity. As it is, they almost arrived too late.

Bakken Graphic For The Week


  1. I saw it tonight c. 1730 (EST) in mid Atlantic. Gorgeous view over a golf course that sort of surprised me. (Was still light out.)

    1. Yes, I don't think a lot of folks are aware of this one.

  2. Saw a cool article talking about putting the wellheads below grade to let the rigs walk over them. (Not sure how that works, do they need a sump pump?)

    1. Thank you. I'll look at the article later; "blogs" are "blocked" at the school where I'm at right now watching granddaughter play water polo. But I assume the older wells are put on submersible pumps and everything is below ground, allowing "walking" rigs to move right over the older wells.

  3. By pump, I meant for rainwater at the sunken wellhead itself. If you dig a cellar, how do you keep it dry? Maybe this link will get past the kiddie controls:

    In any case, it's just a cool idea to let the rigs walk and have the surface clean for trucks and the like. But I don't know the details (like is there a metal plate over the well head cellar?) But since they are doing it, I'm sure they thought it through. But haven't heard of others doing this. So maybe it makes more sense in the East, with more land restrictions? Donno.

    1. Surface water is not a problem. After all, oil companies are used to drilling in the ocean.

    2. More links and comments at this stand-alone post:


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