Thursday, September 17, 2020

Notes From All Over -- September 17, 2020

Market. It looks like I won't be checking at CNBC today; futures are down quite a bit. Might be a disappointing day. Apparently investors were unhappy with Jay Powell's comments yesterday. Steve Liesman summed it up best: "same ol', same ol. Folks were hoping for more. The Fed is talking a good game but not doing anything."

News from Yelp! yesterday didn't help: sixty percent of businesses that closed due to state lock downs are now "permanently" closed. When this all comes to an end, historians are going to be asking a lot of questions. Governor Cuomo, moving the goalposts early-on, set the tone for state lock downs. 

I assume investors are disappointed that Nancy Pelosi -- who, by the way, looks very nice with her new hair -- is holding up the stimulus bill. Jay Powell alluded to that yesterday saying that more stimulus was needed. Congress doesn't seem to agree. 

If we get word that there will be another round of stimulus, watch the market respond nicely. 

So, unlikely I will check in on the market but one never knows

Good news: plenty of golfing, another look at In A Lonely Place, and lots of time with Sophia and first grade.

Hurricane Sally: apparently came to a relatively abrupt end. 

US Open: opportunity for opening birdie; will par first hole. So, far, it appears more than expected have birdied the first hole. Justin Thomas just birdied first hole. They're moving quickly. Six players at each first hole tee time. Jordan Speieth: second ball off the first tee, having lost his ball off the first tee. Lost balls will be a problem this tournament due to fact there is no gallery. A gallery watches the ball and can be beneficial in helping to look for the ball. So far, mostly a documentary of Tiger Woods. Jordan Spieth bogies first hole. Wow. Are you kidding? A Phil Mickelson beer commercial at 7:49 a.m. CDT. Wow, talk about poor timing.

And speaking of "wow." I love this technology. Laying/lying in bed, watching the golf tournament, ordering photos from Walgreens that will be ready for pick-up by 9:00 a.m. Time for coffee. Wow! Another "wow." I can't believe how much money I've saved on coffee with Starbucks in-cafe shutdown. When Starbucks was open, $3 - $5 daily (depending whether I bought breakfast); now, an $8.99 can of CafĂ© du Monde that will last twenty mornings? Twenty x $4 = $80 vs $8.99. 

A reader suggests: Bustelo espresso grind; 20 oz for $6 on sale.


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