Monday, December 12, 2011

Phone It In -- Absolutely Nothing to Do With The Bakken -- If You Are At This Site Just for the Bakken, Please Skip This Post

This is kind of cool. Not only does the president plan to "slash" US presence at Mexican-US border, he's come up with another money-saving proposal: just phone it in.

Folks crossing the US-Mexican border will be allowed to stop at unmanned kiosks and phone in their information as they cross the border. Overhead drones will verify that folks crossing the border actually do that. Pretty clever.

I don't know why we don't do that at the North Dakota-Canadian border. We already have the drones at Fargo. The overhead costs are already fixed.

Oh, that's right. It's a safety issue, not a money issue. Canadians generally don't shoot at customs and immigration personnel.

Speaking of which: now that more Mexicans have fast and furious guns, it's become even more dangerous for our CIP to ask for identification. It usually leads to someone pulling out a lethal weapon.

Speaking of f&f, it turns out it was a stunt to promote gun control (thousands of links). This came from the same administration that mysteriously found the first case of fracking affecting well water (the EPA-Wyoming Shenanigans). After thousands and thousands of fracked wells, and no evidence of ground water/well water contamination ever, all of a sudden, the EPA drills and fracks a few wells, and voila, well water contamination with "frack fluids" right next to the EPA wells.

By the way, this was the same government that admitted to suppressing knowledge of the exploding batteries in the GM electric cars due to the "fragility of the Volt sales." A direct quote. I cannot make this stuff up. 

Some might say (certainly not me): "Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do."

Unless you are the Attorney General, and then it is not lying as long as your mind was not in a lying frame of mind.

I wonder if the EPA drilled their own wells or if they outsourced? If so, memo to self: find out who drilled the EPA wells, and, never, never, never have them frack my well. They must have used Halliburton cement that was leftover from the Gulf well. 

As long as I'm off-topic, I might as well note that the president makes news when he goes to church. The photo that went viral around the world shows a president well-dressed to take on global warming -- long, heavy winter coat; wow, it looks chilly. His wife is not wearing as much outerwear, suggesting that in the case of the president, it may be a lack of body fat, which has been talked about for quite some time. Michelle's four strands of pearls make a nice fashion statement. I think her Jesus would be proud.

While assigned to England, I attended the Anglican church. I found the experience very comforting. Due to circumstances, I was only able to wear denim jeans to church, with my ever-present back pack. Except for royalty, I don't think English would be seen in church making a fashion statement. Of course, not many English go to church any more. I generally don't attend church when stateside. 

Keep your comments short. They won't get posted anyway.

I wonder if the pearls are real, fake, loaned, owned, or insured?


  1. FYI

    Chesapeake COO Steve Dixon on the recent EPA "draft" study in Wyoming


    ODmarty Martin Krueger

    @Chesapeake Family is from the Pavillion area. The locals know there has been poor quality groundwater for decades.

    anon 1

  2. Anon 1: thank you for commenting. I was actually afraid to open that e-mail. I assumed I was going to be skewered with barbs telling me what an idiot I am.

    Interesting (your two links). I think a lot more may come out before this is all over. Thank you.

    (By the way, there were a handful of folks who I missed hearing from when I turned off the comments: you were one of them. Glad to see you stuck with the blog.)

  3. I missed sending you stuff.

    Mostly, I sent it for you, and to post if you choose.

    I did it because you deserved the support, or whatever the word is. You do lots of work. I enjoy it and benefit from it.

    BTW, look at the rig list, at the next locations for CHK. They have one cluster of test wells, with a second coming soon, way out west.

    The director's cut is out, still mentioning Stark Co.

    Stark Co. is heating up in Ohio too. Utica. The number of counties with the same name in different states with O&G activity is interesting.

    anon 1

  4. Wow, you beat me to it. I kept forgetting to check. It was something I was going to do today -- check for the Director's Cut. I watched for it over the weekend.

    Thank you. You will see that linked soon. You just get the feeling that CHK is getting its eggs in order before getting serious about some great wells.

  5. The corruption of the EPA, allowing the agency to become a puppet of "political science" rather than utilizing environmental science, is highly disturbing. Our nation's economic viability is tied to cheap energy. Yet, we allow a small-but vocal minority to impose their agenda on the rest of us. The zealots don't understand that if our economy is strong, be can better afford the subsidy to solar and wind...if our economy is weak, we can't afford anything. An example is the oil sands, which will be developed, regardless of the XL pipeline. The only question is whether the oil comes south, or is shipped to China. If the former, the USA benefits...if the latter, the USA suffers.

    Just a final note; Bruce, I read your blog daily, enjoy the content and the comments.

    From Illinois

  6. Thank you; I appreciate your kind words.

    I realize that a lot of my non-Bakken political comments are tongue-in-cheek or hyperbole, but I know that runs the risk of alienating folks but ...

    Hey, by the way, you are absolutely correct on the Keystone XL. It should not be a matter of killing the project when it will be developed just as you say (if not for our benefit, for the Chinese); rather, the administration should have jumped on this and asked how can we make this work to our benefit. Killing it benefits no one except to say, "we won." Now we have more diesel trains and more trucks on the road than before. And the new pipeline would have made redundant a lot of old pipeline which would have been emptied, lessening the possibility of a spill. Now we continue to use old pipeline.

  7. dan from minot have you seen the pic's from space of the bakken the mistery city in western n.d.

  8. Sure have. Talked about it here:


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