Thursday, July 18, 2024

Utilities Breaking Out? July 18, 2024

Locator: 48179SRE.

Wow, wow, wow. See this post. It's very unusual to see an electric / natural gas utility jump like this. It's probably due to the "breaking story" reported earlier today, over at CNBC. Regardless, it's fascinating. Again, see that linked post above. 

This is a $140-stock that split 2-1 not too long ago, making this a $70-stock, and within last few months has trended toward $80. [10/70 = 14% in a few months -- whoo-hoo -- I think by market value, SRE is my second largest holding -- would need to check -- not worth the effort -- I'm sure my cost basis has trended towards zero after all these years -- pays over 3% --

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