Wednesday, November 16, 2022: 25 for the month, 62 for the quarter, 607 for the year.
37430, conf, Hess, EN-Madisyn-LE-154-94-0705H-6,
Tuesday, November 15, 2022: 24 for the month, 61 for the quarter, 606 for the year.
Monday, November 14, 2022: 24 for the month, 61 for the quarter, 606 for the year.
35489, conf, Enerplus, FB Leviathan 151-94-27A-34-14T2,
Sunday, November 13, 2022: 23 for the month, 60 for the quarter, 605 for the year.
38381, conf, Oasis, Swenson Federal 5197 43-35 3B,
Saturday, November 12, 2022: 22 for the month, 59 for the quarter, 604 for the year.
38271, conf, Whiting, Platt 44-18-2H,
Friday, November 11, 2022: 21 for the month, 58 for the quarter, 603 for the year.
38725, conf, Slawson, Sauger Federal 5 SLTFH,
38380, conf, Oasis, Swenson Federal 5197 43-35 2B,
Thursday, November 10, 2022: 19 for the month, 56 for the quarter, 601 for the year.
35491, conf, Enerplus, FB Leviathan 151-94-27A-34-15T,
35490, conf, Enerplus, FB Leviathan 151-94-27A-34-13B,
Wednesday, November 9, 2022: 17 for the month, 54 for the quarter, 599 for the year.
38383, conf, Oasis, Swenson Federal 5197 43-35 5B,
38337, conf, Oasis, Soto 5097 12-3 6B,
35492, conf, Enerplus, FB Leviathan 151-94-27A-34-16B,
Tuesday, November 8, 2022: 14 for the month, 51 for the quarter, 496 for the year.
38401, conf, Hess, EN-J Horst-154-93-1112H-5,
Monday, November 7, 2022: 13 for the month, 50 for the quarter, 495 for the year.
conf, Hunt, Palermo-King 156-90-5-34H 1,
conf, Oasis, Swenson Federal 5197 43-35 4B,
conf, Oasis, Soto 5097 12-3 5B,
conf, Enerplus, FB Leviathan 151-94-27A-34-17T,
Sunday, November 6, 2022: 14 for the month, 52 for the quarter, 497 for the year.
38833, conf, Hunt, Palermo-King 156-90-5-34H 1,
38382, conf, Oasis, Swenson Federal 5197 43-35 4B,
38336, conf, Oasis, Soto 5097 12-3 5B,
35717, conf, Enerplus, FB Leviathan 151-94-27A-34-17T,
Saturday, November 5, 2022: 10 for the month, 46 for the quarter, 491 for the year.
conf, Whiting, Make 11-27-2HU,
conf, Enerplus, FB Leviathan 151-94-27A-34-19