Thursday, June 20, 2024

Music And Books -- For The Archives -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47848ARCHIVES.

Link here

On another note, not sure if this song gets enough "play time."

The Book Page

For most situations, google search wiki is the best route to go when searching a topic.

However, for social media and crowd-sourcing, Reddit may be a better option for searching.

For example: when searching for "best book on Greek mythology" -- going to Reddit is probably more rewarding then going through google or wiki.

We all grew up with Edith Hamilton's Mythology, but recently I happened across Robert Graves' The Greek Myths. I am greatly surprised how much I enjoy it. The book put me back into a new "mythology" phase. The fact that there is some controversy associated with this book makes it all the more interesting.

A Musical Interlude -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47847MUSIC.

If this had been her only song, her only video, this would have been enough to put her into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 

Link here.

San Francisco 

Link here.

Paddle Boarding -- Texas -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47846FAMILY.

Sophia, age 10, on her mother's stand-up paddle board and her mom kneeling on the same board. 

Someone's Reading The Blog -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47845ECON.

This has been a common theme on the blog in the past six to eighteen months. I forget when I first starting saying but sometime in the next six to eighteen months there's going to be a glut of used cars and news on dealers' lots.

Most recently, June 15, 2024, I wrote this:

In 2035, historians may look back on 2024 as the watershed year for EVs in America. Everything suggests it's all over.

By the end of the year, there's going to be a glut of cars in dealers' lots across the US, and over the next two years, automobile sales will surge, setting all-time records. 

EVs: won't be mentioned. "No one" will be buying EVs in the US any time soon. Hybrids, yes. EVs, no.

Tonight from Carl Q:


One word: entitled.


Another Musical Interlude

I really, really like this.

A lot of folks remark / complain that Lana Del Rey's songs "drag" / are way too slow.

Here, the song has been sped up, considerably, and yet, it doesn't distort the Lana's voice. I really like this.

Link here.

Thursday, June 20, 2024 -- Only A Couple More Days Until Official Start Of Summer -- Whoo-Hoo!

Locator: 47844ARCHIVES.

US air travel: June 14, 2024 -- 2nd busiest day ever for TSA -- TSA screened almost three million individuals.  

  • Note: I took a "red eye" out of Portland a few days ago and the wait time through TSA checkpoint was the longest I had ever experienced in Portland, and anywhere else for that matter. I do not have "TSA Pre-Check."
  • four of the top five busiest travel days in the history of the US have been in CY 2024, and the top five included Thanksgiving, 2023.

The OODA loop: google it. Our oldest granddaughter is working as an "intern" in the federal bureaucracy, Washington, DC, this summer. She wrote me earlier today asking if I had heard of the OODA Loop. I had. She's in some sort of "security training) and the OODA loop was discussed.

Free Thursday! Whoo-hoo! Sophia is on the lake, paddle-boarding with her mom. So I'm free tonight. Lots of music. First I will start with a documentary of Las Vegas, the 1960s! May and I were married in Las Vegas in 1977 -- 47 years ago. Clark County.

1957 Chevy Bel-Air: link here. Odometer? One mile. Price? $60,000. In front of my sister's home on Flathead Lake, completely restored, runs beautifully:

A Musical Interlude

I seldom find covers better than the original. Could this "live cover" be better than the "live" version of this song most popular on YouTube?

Link here.

Hunt Oil With Three New Permits -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47843B.


June 21, 2024: update from a reader in regard to my notes on naming wells. This is very, very much appreciated. 

I agree with your definition of their naming of wells.

I can add that I believe A well is on the west side of the spacing unit.

B well is still in the W2 but closer to the centerline of the sections.

C well is in the E2 but closer to the centerlin.

D well would be closer to the east side of the E2 of the section.

Formentera bought out the bankruptcy of Petro Harvester.  PH had begun using that style of naming their wells, which is why I’m comfortable with the added comment about the order of the wells.  One can see the naming procedure in 163-92 and 163-91.

Original Post 


  • Formentera Ops has three LAR1 permits with the following names
    • LAR1 26-2 161-94 ATF
    • LAR1 26-2 161-94 CTF
    • LAR1 26-2 161-94 BMB
    • I don't recall seeing such nomenclature before (I may have simply missed them), but one wonders if this is the meaning behind the naming:
    • LAR1: "LAR" for Larson oil field.
    • 26-2: although sited just across the section line in section 23, these wells will be extended long laterals, three-section, 1920-acre spacing; running from section 26-162-94 through section 35-162-94 and then bottom hole in section 2-161-94
    • ATF, CTF, BMB: TF = Three Forks; MB - middle Bakken;
    • ATF, CTF, BMB: A, B, C -- simply the chronological progression of the wells; wells A, B, and C, like wells 1, 2, and 3.
  • CLR: has four "Catron" wells; CLR often names their wells after the cities from which their roughnecks come; could it be that "Catron" refers to Catron County, NM?

Now, back to the daily activity report.

WTI: $82.17.

Active rigs: 37.

Two new permits, #40860 and #40861:

  • Operator: Hunt Oil Company
  • Field: Alexandria (Divide County)
  • Comments:
    • Hunt Oil has permits for two Alexandria wells, NENE 23-161-100,
      • both to be sited 375 FNL with one 850 FEL and the other 820 FEL:

Four permits renewed:

  • Lime Rock Resources (3): three Jore Fed permits, North Fork, McKenzie County;
  • Formentera Operations: one Lincoln State permits, Skjermo oil field, Divide County;

Six permits canceled:

  • Spotted Hawk: six Moose permits, McLean County;

The Dow Needs To Replace (At Least) Four Stocks -- Barron's -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47842INV.

The four stocks:

  • INTC (Intel)
  • CSCO (Cisco)
  • CRM (Salesforce)
  • BA (Boeing)

See the linked article for recommended additions to the Dow to replace those four.

S&P 500 falls after briefly hitting 5,500 for the first time ever.

WTI: $82.34, up almost 1% today; up 75 cents/bbl today.

Wow, CVX is up over 2% today; up $3.50; trading at $157.

Still Tethered At Half-A-Million Dollars - June 20, 2024

Locator: 47841EVS.

In the Financial Times today, there's a headline article, "Why Americans are not buying more EVs."

Link here

Again, the write said it was all about price.

This is the third time I've written on this.

Bottom line: no American, European, or Asia manufacturer, outside of China, can produce an EV that will be inexpensive enough for Americans to consider and yet retain margins for the manufacturer to make them profitable. For example, if the "average" price for a new car is running in the $40K range, the EV will have to come in under $30K for an American to even consider. And that isn't going to happen. Stellantis knows that -- about the price Americans are willing to pay -- and that's why Stellantis is promising a $25K-EV "very soon.

But even if manufacturers can EVs to a price Americans would be willing to pay, Americans simply won't buy an EV for one reason: it's tethered. 

I've talked about this issue of tethering, at length, at least twice before.

Exhibit A: Americans seem to be accepting non-tethered, fake EVs, i.e., hybrids. 

Other EV-related articles today: one from the Netherlands. This one is simply amazing; think about this for a moment, coming fro the Netherlands, one of the "richest" western nations today:

From Ferrari (key phrase: at least):

The Netherlands

Getting back to that Netherlands story above.

From twitter in the last 48 hours.

Apple Education -- Back To School -- Webpage Now Up -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47840AAPL.

Apple took down its Apple "education page" earlier today while it updated the webpage which will announce pricing and sales for its annual back-to-school pricing and sales. 

The page is back up. Should be fun.

M-series: CPU (multiple cores, performance and efficiency); GPU (multiple cores); 16-core neural engine.

Link here.

These things get confusing for me and some of the information below may be incorrect; if this is important to you, go to the source, linked above.

First thing to check out: the new M4 iPad Pro. Before add-ons, basic model:

  • 11-inch: $899
  • 13-inch: $1,199

Apple Pencil Pro: $119

The M2 iPad Air. Before add-ons, basic model:

  • 11-inch: $549
  • 13-inch: $749

The M4 iPad Pro or Air. Before add-ons, basic model:

  • 11-inch Pro: $899
  • 13-inch Pro: $1199

MacBook Air. Range: $999 - $1599

  • MacBook Air, M2, 13-inch.
  • MacBook Air, M3, 13-inch.
  • MacBook Air, M3, 15-inch.

MacBook Pro. Range: $1,499 - $3,199.

  • 14-inch, by chip: M3, M3 Pro, M3 Max.
  • 16-inch, by chip: M3 Pro, M3 Max.

First thought: college freshman, engineering major -- needs both a tablet for note-taking in class; and, a laptop for general library, dorm room use:

  • M4 iPad Pro with Pro pencil
    • choice: 13-inch or 15-inch M3 MacBook Air
  • MacBook Air, M3
    • no laptops come with the M4 yet
    • nor do any desktop iMads come with the M4 yet 
    • choice: 13-inch or 15-inch

Three Days Of The Condor -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47839B.

Feel free to move on to another website. I'm taking a break. I couldn't possibly be in a better mood. 

I just got back from Portland, OR, with a huge shopping bag full of books: Aristotle, Greek mythology, Robert Graves, JD Salinger. Then The New Yorker, The Atlantic. And now GK-PID. And now, Three Days of the Condor on YouTube. Full movie, free. 

GK-PID: I don't know how I missed this. Where was I in 2016 when this was all over the news, including The New York Times? Richard Dawkins' The Ancestor's Tale: the big mystery ... what makes an animal an animal and are sponges animals? What is the genetic marker that "identifies" an animal as an animal? And how did animals come to be?

  • UChicagoMedicine, January 7, 2016. A single, billion-year-old mutation nelped make multicellular animals evolve. Link here.
  • eLife, January 7, 2016. Evolution of an ancient protein function involved in organized multicellularity in animals. Link here
  • NYT, January 7, 2016. Genetic flip helped organisms go from one cell to many. Link here.


  • Douglas P Anderson: University of Oregon, Eugene;
  • Dustin S Whitney: Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee;
  • Victor Hanson-Smith: see Anderson; now, University of California, San Francisco;
  • Arielle Woznica: Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UC-Berkeley;
  • Williams Campodonico-Burnett: see Anderson;
  • Brian F Volkman: see Whitney;
  • Nicole King: Howard Huges Medical Institute, UC-Berkeley;
  • Joseph W. Thornton: University of Chicago, Chicago;
  • Kenneth E Prehoda: see Anderson


  • Oregon: team of four
  • Milwaukee: two
  • UC-Berkeley: two
  • Chicago: one

Greco-Persian War -- 5th Century BC

"War for the West: What if the Persians had defeated the Greeks?" Joseph Epstein, Claremont Review of Books, Spring, 2000, link here.

The Greco-Persian Wars, Peter Green, a re-issue, originally published 1970. Link here. Just ordered a copy from Amazon. Will arrive today / tomorrow.


"The Industry That Ate America," Franklin Foer, The Atlantic, July/August, 2024. Link here. The writer missed the mark. Rather: exceptionally poor timing. Most folks will read this article just after seeing the news of "Just Stop Oil" sprayed Stonehenge and Taylor Swift's jet(s) with orange paint. 

"Just Stop Oil" is making congressional lobbyists look like saints.

WTI Hits $82 And Not Yet Mentioned By CNBC, Not Even On The Crawler -- June 20, 2024

Locator: 47838MUSIC.

Hyperscaler: I just turned on CNBC one minute ago, and so far, "hyperscalers" has been said three times, once with Broadcom. 

Goldilocks economy: booming. See unemployment numbers released this morning. 

Goldman Sachs: updates its conviction list. Link here. Edwards Lifesciences, Enphase Energy, Sempra Energy, Teradyne, Brixmore Property Group.

New record highs: NASDAQ and S&P 500. It never quits. Having said that, folks comparing this to the 2000 dot-com bubble have no idea what they're talking about. What's going on now is way different than what was going on in 2000.

TSM; up over $2.00 already early this morning. A year ago the GOAT was selling his short-lived TSM position:

Global politics - UK: link here.

  • UK conservatives, UK PM Sunak facing landslide defeat? 

Back to the Bakken

WTI: $82.27.

Friday, June 21, 2024: 69 for the month; 133 for the quarter, 332 for the year
39891, conf, Hess, EN-Madisyn-LE-154-94-07-5H-7,

Thursday, June 20, 2024: 68 for the month; 132 for the quarter, 331 for the year

RBN Energy: why oil, gas, and NGL infrastructure investment is soaring while production growth is flat.

There’s never been any reason to question the drivers for energy infrastructure development — until now. Historically, the drivers were almost always “supply-push.” The Shale Revolution brought on increasing production volumes that needed to be moved to market, and midstreamers — backed by producer commitments — responded with the infrastructure to make it happen.
But now things seem to be different. U.S. energy infrastructure investment is soaring across crude oil, natural gas and NGL markets and, as in previous buildouts, midstreamers are bringing on new processing plants, pipelines, fractionators, storage facilities, export terminals and everything in between. We count nearly 70 projects in the works.
But crude production has been flat as a pancake, natural gas is down, and lately NGLs are up — but as you might expect, only in one basin: the Permian. So what is driving all the infrastructure development this time around? In today’s RBN blog, we’ll explore why that question will be front-and-center at our upcoming School of Energy: Catch a Wave. Fair warning, this blog includes an unabashed advertorial for our 2024 conference coming up on June 26-27 in Houston.

Wednesday Night -- June 19, 2024

 Locator: 47838MUSIC.

New drinking game: take a shot of ..... While watching CNBC take a shot of your favorite Scotch every time a talking head says "hyperscaler." LOL

Goldman Sachs: early June, GS added five new names to its "conviction list." Two of the five are long-term holdings for me ... I may have mentioned this before.

Summertime and the livin's easy. Gonna be a great night for music.

Link here.