- ban fracking
- ban new pipelines
- shut down nuclear reactors
- ban coal
- "cap-and-trade"
- over-regulate the energy sector
- expand subsidies for the poor using other people's money
Back of the envelope (all assumptions except for one or two data points; use your own numbers if you want):
- population of NY state (2015): 20 million (wiki)
- 20 million / 1.5 people per household (assumption)
- 13 million households (calculator)
- Assume: 35% of households do not pay state taxes (another assumption) (after posting this, I thought it would be fun to google this -- result at this link; but I learned something new: New York City has an income tax, also; no wonder none of the San Antonio Spurs want to play for the New York Knicks)
- 0.65 x 13 = 9 million tax-paying households (calculator)
- total program benefits: $260 million (linked article)
- amounts to $30/year/household -- the upper income will pay a great share (calculator)
- so, we're talking about $12/year for an "average" household to pay for this program (comment)
- doesn't amount to a hill of beans and it keeps the folks with pitchforks off your doorstep (comment)