Locator: 45044B.
Saturday, September30, 2023: 120 for the month; 322 for the quarter, 567 for the year
39566, F/A, Kraken, Cass 4-9 5H, Oliver, t9/23; cum 172K 7/24;
39460, drl/A, CLR, Hegler 4-13H, Little Knife, t11/23; cum 143K 7/24;
38989, drl/A, Hess, RS-Harstad 155-91-0433H-6, Stanley, t4/23; cum 144K 7/24;
38835, conf, Enerplus, Hay Draw 148-97-27-34-3H, Little Knife, t5/24; cum 289K 7/24;
Friday, September 29, 2023: 116 for the month; 318 for the quarter, 563 for the year
39565, conf, Kraken, Cass 4-9-4H,
39461, conf, CLR, Hegler 5-13H1,
Thursday, September 28, 2023: 114 for the month; 316 for the quarter, 561 for the year
38988, conf, Hess, RS-Harstad-155-91-0433H-8,
Wednesday, September 27, 2023: 113 for the month; 315 for the quarter, 560 for the year
39564, conf, Kraken, Blaine 33-28 3H,
38987, conf, Hess, RS-Harstad-LE-155-91-0433H-1,
Tuesday, September 26, 2023: 111 for the month; 313 for the quarter, 558 for the year
39595, F/A, Neptune Operating, Sigma Lee 14-23 3H, Squires, t5/23; cum 155K 7/24;
39563, conf, Kraken, Blaine 33-28 2H,
Monday, September 25, 2023: 109 for the month; 311 for the quarter, 556 for the year
39596, conf, Neptune Operating, Sigma Lee 14-23 2H,
37265, loc/A, Whiting, Borseth 31-15-4H, t4/23; cum 196K 7/24;
Sunday, September 24, 2023: 107 for the month; 309 for the quarter, 554 for the year
39134, F/A, Iron Oil Operating, Antelope 4-33-28H, Sather Lake, t3/23; cum 147K 8/24;
39133, conf, Iron Oil Operating, Antelope 3-33-28H,
Saturday, September 23, 2023: 105 for the month; 307 for the quarter, 552 for the year
drl/A, Crescent Point Energy, CPEUSC Ruby 5 20-17-158N-100W-MBH-LLW, Winner, t2/24;
cum 132K 8/24;37264,
conf, Whiting, Wilson 31-15-3H,
Friday, September 22, 2023: 103 for the month; 305 for the quarter, 550 for the year
39064, conf, Hess, TI-Hanson-LE-158-94-0706HH-1,
37263, conf, Whiting, Wilson Federal 31-15-2H,
Thursday, September 21, 2023: 101 for the month; 303 for the quarter, 548 for the year
39621, conf, Crescent Point Enery, CPEUSC Farthing 2 30-31-158N-100W-MBH,
39556, conf, CLR, Fuller 9-2H1,
38034, conf, Petroshale, Tahu 3TFH,
Wednesday, September 20, 2023: 98 for the month; 300 for the quarter, 545 for the year
39557, conf, CLR, Fuller 10-2H,
37262, conf, Whiting, Wilson Federal 31-15H,
Tuesday, September 19, 2023: 96 for the month; 298 for the quarter, 543 for the year
39558, conf, CLR, Fuller 11-2H1,
34033, conf, Formentera Operations, FLX3 21-16 163-91-B,
34026, conf, Formentera Operations, FLX5 27-34 163-91D,
34025, conf, Formentera Operations, FLX5 27-34 163-91 B,
21535, conf, Formentera Operations, Tafelmeyer C-3625-6490,
Monday, September 18, 2023: 91 for the month; 293 for the quarter, 538 for the year
39620, conf, Crescent Point Energy, CPEUSC Clermont 2-19-18-158N-100W-MBH,
39065, conf, Hess, TI-Fossaa-LE-158-94-1819H-1,
Sunday, September 17, 2023: 89 for the month; 291 for the quarter, 536 for the year
39559, conf, CLR, Fuller 12-2HSL,
39028, conf, Liberty Resources, Overdorf 158-96-1-12-3MBH,
Saturday, September 16, 2023: 87 for the month; 289 for the quarter, 534 for the year
Friday, September 15, 2023: 87 for the month; 289 for the quarter, 534 for the year
39623, conf, Crescent Point Energy, CPEUSC Matillda May 6 29-32-158N-100W-MBH-LL;
28831, A, Petro-Hunt, Arsenal Federal 149-1002-17A-20-2H, Charbonneau, t7/23; cum 94K 7/24;
Thursday, September 14, 2023: 85 for the month; 287 for the quarter, 532 for the year
39066, conf, Hess, TI-Hanson-158-94-0706H-2,
39029, conf, Liberty Resources, Overdorf 158-96-1-12-4MBH,
28829, conf, Petro-Hunt, Arsenal Federal 149-102-17A-20-3H,
Wednesday, September 13, 2023: 82 for the month; 284 for the quarter, 529 for the year
39641, conf, CLR, Gordon Federal 24-8HSL1,
39624, conf, Crescent Point, CPEUSC Ruby 4 20-17-158N-100W-MBH,
36574, conf, Hess, EN-Kiesel-155-94-1918H-5,
Tuesday, September 12, 2023: 79 for the month; 281 for the quarter, 526 for the year
39625, conf, Crescent Point, CPEUSC Matilda May 5 29-32-158N-100W-MBH,
38900, conf, Whiting, Snowshoe Federal 31-30-4H,
37926, conf, BR, Boxer 2C TFH,
Monday, September 11, 2023: 76 for the month; 278 for the quarter, 523 for the year
Sunday, September 10, 2023: 76 for the month; 278 for the quarter, 523 for the year
39030, conf, Liberty Resources, Temple 159-96-36-25-3MBH,
Saturday, September 9, 2023: 75 for the month; 277 for the quarter, 522 for the year
conf, Hess, TI-Fossaa-158-94-1819H-2,
F/A, Whiting, Snowshoe Federal 31-30-2H, Glass Bluff, t3/23;
cum 221K 8/24;38899,
conf, Whiting, Snowshoe Federal 31-30-4H,
conf, BR, Parrish 2C MBH,
Friday, September 8, 2023: 71 for the month; 273 for the quarter, 518 for the year
****39613, F/A, Kraken, Gladys 29-20-17-3H, t8/23; cum 201K 7/24;
37472, conf, SOGC (Sinclair), Saetz Federal 3-36H,
Thursday, September 7, 2023: 69 for the month; 271 for the quarter, 516 for the year
39380, conf, Eagle Operating, Cutbank 18-13,
39031, conf, Liberty Resources, Temple 159-96-36-25-4MBH,
******37928, loc/A, BR, Boxer 2B MBH, Pershing, t5/24; cum 83K 76/24;
Wednesday, September 6, 2023: 66 for the month; 268 for the quarter, 513 for the year
******39614, F/A, Kraken, Gladys 29-20-17 4H, t8/23; cum 226K 7/24;
Tuesday, September 5, 2023: 65 for the month; 267 for the quarter, 512 for the year
conf, Slawson, Banshee 3-1H,
conf, Liberty Resources, McGinnity 159-95-31-30-10MBH,
conf, BR, Parrish 3A
conf, SOGC (Sinclair), Saetz Federal 2-36H,
conf, Hess, EN-Kiesel-155-94-1918H-6,
Monday, September 4, 2023: 60 for the month; 262 for the quarter, 507 for the year
39653, conf, WPX, Stratus 14-33H,
******39615, F/A, Kraken, Gladys LE 29-20-17 11H, Oliver, t8/23; cum 235K 7/24;
36572, conf, Hess, EN-Kiesl-155-94-1918H-7,
Sunday, September 3, 2023: 57 for the month; 259 for the quarter, 504 for the year
39665, conf, WPX, Cumulus 14-33TFH,
39296, conf, Slawson, Banshee 4-1H,
37936, conf, BR, Boxer 3C TFH,
Saturday, September 2, 2023: 54 for the month; 256 for the quarter, 501 for the year
*******35472, locA, Oasis, MHA 6-29-30H-150-92, Van Hook, t3/23; cum 322K 7/24;
Friday, September 1, 2023: 53 for the month; 255 for the quarter, 500 for the year
37935, conf, BR, Boxer 3B MBH,
Thursday, August 31, 202: 52 for the month; 254 for the quarter, 499 for the year
Wednesday, August 30, 2023: 52 for the month; 254 for the quarter, 499 for the year
Tuesday, August 29, 2023: 52 for the month; 254 for the quarter, 499 for the year
Monday, August 28, 2023: 52 for the month; 254 for the quarter, 499 for the year
38994, conf, Hess, TI-Stenbak-158-95-2526H-9,
37613, conf, BR, Pullman 3A MBH-ULW,
35466, loc/A, Oasis, MHA 6-27-26H-150-92, Van Hook, t3/23; cum 236K 8/24;
Sunday, August 27, 2023: 49 for the month; 251 for the quarter, 496 for the year
38996, conf, Hess, TI-Stenbak-LN-158-95-2526H-1,
37934, conf, BR, Boxer 3A TFH,
Saturday, August 26, 2023: 47 for the month; 249 for the quarter, 494 for the year
37933, conf, BR, Parrish 4A MBH,
35473, conf, Oasis, MHA 8-29-30H-150-92,
Friday, August 25, 2023: 45 for the month; 247 for the quarter, 492 for the year
39447, conf, CLR, Edward 7-23H,
Thursday, August 24, 2023: 44 for the month; 246 for the quarter, 491 for the year
38993, conf, Hess, TI-Stenbak-158-95-2526H-8,
37932, conf, BR, Parrish 3C TFH,
Wednesday, August 23, 2023: 42 for the month; 244 for the quarter, 489 for the year
39448, drl/A, CLR, Edward 8-23H1, Little Knife, t10/23; cum 164K 7/24;
Tuesday, August 22, 2023: 41 for the month; 243 for the quarter, 488 for the year
Monday, August 21, 2023: 41 for the month; 243 for the quarter, 488 for the year
39449, conf, CLR, Edward 9-23H1, Little Knife, t10/23; cum 135K 8/24;
37931, conf, BR, Parrish 3B MBH,
35467, conf, Oasis, MHA 6-27-26H-150-92,
Sunday, August 20, 2023: 38 for the month; 240 for the quarter, 485 for the year
39450, conf, CLR, Edward 10-23H,
38995, conf, Hess, TI-Stenback-158-95-2526H-10,
38904, conf, Enerplus, MC-Kudrna 144-95-10-3-3H,
Saturday, August 19, 2023: 35 for the month; 237 for the quarter, 482 for the year
Friday, August 18, 2023: 35 for the month; 237 for the quarter, 482 for the year
39555, conf, Neptune Operating, Gibbins 11-2 2H,
39451, conf, CLR, Edward 11-23H1,
37881, conf, BR, Kermit 1-8-32UTFH,
Thursday, August 17, 2023: 32 for the month; 234 for the quarter, 479 for the year
39554, conf, Neptune Operating, Gibbins 11-2 3H,
38903, conf, Enerplus, MC-Kudrna 144-95-10-3-2H, Murphy Creek, t3/23; cum 144K 8/24;
37880, conf, BR, Rink 2-1-5UTFH,
35470, conf, Oasis, MHA 1-29-30H-150-92,
Wednesday, August 16, 2023: 28 for the month; 230 for the quarter, 475 for the year
39553, conf, Neptune Operating, Gibbins LE 11-2 1H,
39452, conf, CLR, Edward 12-23HSL,
37879, conf, BR, Kermit 1-8-32MBH,
Tuesday, August 15, 2023: 25 for the month; 227 for the quarter, 482 for the year
37878, conf, BR, Rink 1-1-5MBH,
Monday, August 14, 2023: 24 for the month; 226 for the quarter, 481 for the year
38945, conf, Hess, BW-Rolfson-151-98-2116H-12,
Sunday, August 13, 2023: 23 for the month; 225 for the quarter, 480 for the year
39571, conf, Challenger Point Energy, Jacobsen 11-6,
39491, conf, Kraken, Ricky-Lee LE 18-7-6- 11H,
38905, conf, Enerplus, MC-Kudrna 144-95-10-3-4H,
Saturday, August 12, 2023: 20 for the month; 222 for the quarter, 477 for the yea
39492, conf, Kraken, Anseth LW 20-29-32-12H,
39454, conf, CLR, Edward 2-23HSL1,
Friday, August 11, 2023: 18 for the month; 220 for the quarter, 475 for the year
39567, conf, CLR, Edward 3-23H,
Thursday, August 10, 2023: 17 for the month; 219 for the quarter, 474 for the year
39455, conf, CLR, Edward 4-23H1,
38915, conf, Enerplus, MC-Kudrna 144-95-10-3-5H,
Wednesday, August 9, 2023: 15 for the month; 217 for the quarter, 472 for the year
39456, conf, CLR, Edward 6-23H1,
Tuesday, August 8, 2023: 14 for the month; 216 for the quarter, 471 for the year
38946, conf, Hess, BW-Rolfson-151-98-2116H-13,
Monday, August 7, 2023: 13 for the month; 215 for the quarter, 470 for the year
39457, conf, CLR, Edward 6-23H1,
Sunday, August 6, 2023: 12 for the month; 214 for the quarter, 469 for the year
39314, conf, Stephens Williston DBA SEG Williston, Gernand 13X-32D,
Saturday, August 5, 2023: 11 for the month; 213 for the quarter, 468 for the year
39313, conf, Stephens Williston DBA SEG Williston, Gernand 13X-32C,
38947, conf, Hess, BW-Rolfson-151-98-2116H-14,
Friday, August 4, 2023: 9 for the month; 211 for the quarter, 466 for the year
39570, conf, Challenger Point Energy, Jacobsen 13-6,
39539, conf, WPX, Two Shields Butte 16-8-7-13HA,
39480, conf, CLR, Meadowlark 12-6HSL1,
39472, conf, Grayson Mill/Ovintiv, Newman 150-97-21-16-1H,
35018, conf, BR, Lillibridge 1C MBH,
Thursday, August 3, 2023: 4 for the month; 206 for the quarter, 461 for the year
39540, conf, WPX, Two Shields Butte 16-8-7-13H3U, Heart Butte, t6/23; cum 251K 7/24/
Wednesday, August 2, 2023: 3 for the month; 205 for the quarter, 460 for the year
conf, Grayson Mill/Ovintiv USA, Newman 150-97-21-16-14H,
conf, Eagle Operating, V-M 5-7,
conf, CLR, Kiefel 4-36H,
Tuesday, August 1, 2023: 94 for the month; 202 for the quarter, 457 for the year
Monday, July 31, 2023: 94 for the month; 202 for the quarter, 457 for the year
39474, conf, Grayson Mill/Ovintiv USA, Newman 150-97-21-16-2H,
39158, conf, CLR, Kiefel 5-36H,
Sunday, July 30, 2023: 92 for the month; 200 for the quarter, 455 for the year
39338, conf, Petro-Hunt, Mongoose 149-102-8C-5-4H,
38686, drl/A, Hess, GO-Ron Viall-156-98-2513H-1, Wheelock, t2/23; cum 271K 724;
Saturday, July 29, 2023: 90 for the month; 198 for the quarter, 453 for the year
39339, conf, Petro-Hunt, Arsenal Federal 149-102-17B-20-4H,
39159, conf, CLR, Kiefel 6-36H,
38948, conf, Hess, BW-Rolfson-151-98-2116H-15,
Friday, July 28, 2023: 87 for the month; 195 for the quarter, 450 for the year
39475 conf, Grayson Mill/Ovintiv USA, Newman 150-97-21-16-15H,
Thursday, July 27, 2023: 86 for the month; 194 for the quarter, 449 for the year
Wednesday, July 26, 2023: 86 for the month; 194 for the quarter, 449 for the year
39509 conf, CLR, Vance 4-14H,
39476 conf, Grayson Mill/Ovintiv, Newman 150-97-21-16-6HR,
Tuesday, July 25, 2023: 84 for the month; 192 for the quarter, 447 for the year
39508 conf, CLR, Vance 3-14H,
38949 conf, Hess, BW-Rolfson-151-98-2116H-16,
37178 conf, Hess, EN-Davenport-156-94-1003H-7,
Monday, July 24, 2023: 81 for the month; 189 for the quarter, 444 for the year
39507, conf, CLR, Vance 2-14H,
Sunday, July 23, 2023: 80 for the month; 188 for the quarter, 443 for the year
conf, Iron Oil Operating, Antelope 2-33-28H,
Saturday, July 22, 2023: 79 for the month; 187 for the quarter, 442 for the year
Friday, July 21, 2023: 79 for the month; 187 for the quarter, 442 for the year
39357, conf, CRL, Vance 6-14H,
38685, conf, Hess, GO-Ron Viall-156-98-2513H-2,
35020, conf, BR, Lillibridge 1A MBH,
Thursday, July 20, 2023: 76 for the month; 184 for the quarter, 439 for the year
Wednesday, July 19, 2023: 76 for the month; 184 for the quarter, 439 for the year
39391, conf, Crescent Point Energy, CPEUSC Matilda 4-29-32-158N-100W-MBH,
39358, conf, CLR, Vance 5-14H,
Tuesday, July 18, 2023: 74 for the month; 182 for the quarter, 437 for the year
Monday, July 17, 2023: 74 for the month; 182 for the quarter, 437 for the year
39392, conf, Crescent Point Energy, CPEUSC Ruby 3-20-17-158N-100W-MBH,
Sunday, July 16, 2023: 73 for the month; 181 for the quarter, 436 for the year
39351, conf, CLR, Clyde Hauge 2-13H,
37921, conf, BR, Parrish 2B TFH,
Saturday, July 15, 2023: 71 for the month; 179 for the quarter, 434 for the year
39393, conf, Crescent Point Energy, CPEUSC Matilda 3-29-17-158N-100W-MBH,
39352, conf, CLR, Clyde Hauge 3-13H,
38684, conf, Hess, GO-Ron Viall-156-98-2513H-3,
37922, conf, BR, Boxstone 1A TFH-ULW,
Friday, July 14, 2023: 67 for the month; 175 for the quarter, 430 for the year
39394, conf, Crescent Point Energy, CPEUSC Ruby 2-20-17-158N-100W-MBH,
38853, conf, Whiting, Littlefield 11-21H,
37923, conf, BR, Boxer 1B MBH-ULW,
37841, conf, Lime Rock, State B 3-25-36H-143-97,
Thursday, July 13, 2023: 63 for the month; 171 for the quarter, 426 for the year
37924, conf, BR, Boxer 2A TFH,
Wednesday, July 12, 2023: 62 for the month; 170 for the quarter, 425 for the year
39395, conf, Crescent Point Energy, CPEUSC Matilda May 2-29-32-158N-100W-MBH-LL,
38683, conf, Hess, GO-Ron Viall-156-98-2513H-4,
Tuesday, July 11, 2023: 60 for the month; 168 for the quarter, 423 for the year
37404, conf, Liberty Resources, Esther 158-93-28-33-20MBH,
37364, conf, Liberty Resources, Albertson 158-93-27-34-1MBH,
Monday, July 10, 2023: 58 for the month; 166 for the quarter, 421 for the year
39175, conf, CLR, Clyde Hauge 4-13H,
38944, conf, Iron Oil Operating, Antelope 5-32-29H,
Sunday, July 9, 2023: 56 for the month; 164 for the quarter, 419 for the year
39442, conf, Kraken, Orbit 24-13-12 5H,
39176, conf, CLR, Clyde Hauge 5-13H,
Saturday, July 8, 2023: 54 for the month; 162 for the quarter, 417 for the year
conf, Kraken, Orbit 24-13-12 4H,
conf, CLR, Clyde Hauge 6-13H,
Friday, July 7, 2023: 52 for the month; 160 for the quarter, 415 for the year
39440, conf, Kraken, Orbit 24-13-12 3TFH,
Thursday, July 6, 2023: 51 for the month; 159 for the quarter, 414 for the year
36567, conf, WPX, Skunk Creek 13-18-17-16HU,
Wednesday, July 5, 2023: 50 for the month; 158 for the quarter, 413 for the year
39439, conf, Kraken, Orbit 24-13-12-2H,
36568, conf, WPX, Skunk Creek 13-18-16H3A,
Tuesday, July 4, 2023: 48 for the month; 156 for the quarter, 411 for the year
39438, conf, Kraken, Orbit 24-13-12-1H,
39426, conf, CLR, Bice Federal 9-32H1,
Monday, July 3, 2023: 46 for the month; 154 for the quarter, 409 for the year
35680, conf, Liberty Resources, Albertson E 158-93-27-34-4MBH,
Sunday, July 2, 2023: 45 for the month; 153 for the quarter, 408 for the year
39425, conf, CLR, Bice Federal 8-32H,
37898, conf, BR, Lillibridge 2A MBH,
35679, conf, Liberty Resources, Albertson E 158-93-27-34-3MBH,
Saturday, July 1, 2023: 42 for the month; 150 for the quarter, 405 for the year
conf, CLR, Bice Federal 7-32
conf, Liberty Resources, Albertson E 158-93-227-34-2MBH,