The governor says he is against "cap and trade."
But without an energy bill, the governor says, energy companies, especially coal companies, will not know how to factor potential "cap and trade" risks.
A couple of thoughts:
- Thank goodness for unanswered prayers. In this case, those praying for an energy bill to bring this issue to closure might be happy a bill was not passed.
- My hunch is that coal companies now know the worst that could affect them, and can plan accordingly. Anything less onerous, and the profits will drop to the bottom line.
- Utilities and "big oil" have already begun to sort this out: by buying "renewable" energy assets, they have more than enough assets to "cap and trade," making any future bill moot for them. Coal companies, if smart, will do the same. It's not that hard. Enbridge has seven wind farms and one solar farm (the largest in the world, by the way).
- Governor Schweitzer and Senator John Kerry seem to have a lot in common. That's just my take after spending lots of time in Boston this summer.
- Excessive cap and trade
- Ridiculous fracking regulations
- Taxes on oil companies to pay for health care
- Unlimited risk for clean-up expenses
Unanswered Prayers, Garth Brooks
Update: July 31, 2010 -- I admit I'm wrong. Congress is going to stay out of this. Congress will let EPA step in, make the rules, and then individual Congressmen/women can talk to their constituents. Those in favor will say they support the EPA; those against what the EPA does will say Congress will have to take a look. Meanwhile, the damage will have been done. Other thoughts here.