Currently I am on the road: my notes will be less frequent, perhaps shorter. I will not get to my e-mail as often and I will not be able to post comments as often or in a timely manner.
After eight days on the road, from Dallas, TX, to Flathead Lake, Montana, to Portland, Oregon, and back to Flathead Lake, and, now back to Dallas, TX, I am absolutely convinced if you are an 18-year male or female or other, if you aren't earning:
- $100,000 per year with no college by age 22; or,
- $150,000 per year with a college degree by age 26,
you aren't interested and/or not trying.
Perhaps some hyperbole but not much.
Road Trip
Sophia and I are having a blast.
This will be the longest day, from Sheridan, Wyoming, to as far as we can get into Texas.