Monday, January 3, 2011

Seven (7) New Permits To Start Off the Year -- North Dakota, USA

Producers: Murex (2), Petro-Hunt (2), Samson Resources, Newfield, and XTO.

Fields: Fertile Valley, West Bank, West Capa, Grover, and three wildcats (two in Dunn County, one in Divide County).

The two Petro-Hunt wells will be on the same pad inside the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation

Several wells came off the confidential list and I've reported them elsewhere.

I have changed something else this year also. For the time being I don't plan to update (or add) new entries to "wells with large IPs." I haven't decided whether I will continue, start on a new page, or limit it to IPs greater than 2,000, something we see very rarely.

Moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico -- Not a Bakken Story

Mainstream media confirms: the moratorium continues.
The slowdown also has long-term implications for U.S. oil production. The Energy Information Administration, the research arm of the Department of Energy, last month predicted that domestic offshore oil production will fall 13% this year from 2010 due to the moratorium and the slow return to drilling; a year ago, the agency predicted offshore production would rise 6% in 2011. The difference: a loss of about 220,000 barrels of oil a day
North Dakota produces about 340,000 bbls/day.

Meanwhile, "we" head for $100 oil.

Update on the Stroh Wells -- Fayette Field -- Bakken, North Dakota, USA


August 4, 2011: permits for both wells below are now PNC: permits now canceled. The current operator is listed as Burlington Resources. The original operator was Anschutz.
  • 18503: PNC, BR, Cecilia Stroh 1-18-19H-143-96, Dunn, Fayette oil field
  • 18463: PNC, BR, Elizabeth Stroh 1-7-6H-143-96, Dunn, Cabernet oil field
I do not know why the permits were canceled. In 2010, Anschutz sold most of its property to OXY USA. Within the past few days there was a press release that said Anschutz sold its remaining Bakken acreage, but the name of the buyer was not released.
I am not sure how Burlington Resources got into the mix and how it became the current operator. Anschutz sold most of its property to OXY USA and the rest of it to an unidentified Canadian company (at least that's what I seem to remember). It is interesting that BR has a well right next to your land. My hunch is that multiple folks had interests in this land (BR, Anschutz, others).

When Anschutz sold out, BR grabbed the opportunity to get a permit there (again a hunch), but when
the dust settled, for whatever reason, the permits were canceled.

This area is so good, I am sure that these wells will be drilled. It's possible BR is moving the pad to a new site, and thus they canceled the permits, to request new ones. I doubt that. More likely it has something to do with the recent announcement that Anschutz sold the last of its assets to a private Canadian oil company.

My hunch is that the Canadian company will drill those wells.

On another note, the Raphael Stroh well discussed before has now produced more than 85,000 bbls of oil (spud 3/10; tested 11/10; 85,000 bbls by 6/11) -- pretty impressive. 

Original Post

A reader sent in the following information earlier today:

Anschutz well, file #18423, Raphael Stroh 1-13-24H-143-97 as of the week of Dec 26, 2010 the well has produced approximately 52,000 bbls of oil. The current flow rate is approximately 597 bbls oil per day. The well was fractured about Nov 11, 2010 with an initial production rate of approximately 2409 bbls oil per day.

The tentative drilling date for the dual pad Elizabeth and Cecilia Stroh well is July of 2011. Always subject to change.
18503: BR, Cecilia Stroh 1-18-19H-143-96, Dunn, Fayette oil field
18463: BR, Elizabeth Stroh 1-7-6H-143-96, Dunn, Cabernet oil field

For most on the Stroh wells, click here

The Stroh wells are in the Fayette field which has turned out to be a very nice field.

Fallout From the "Lost Decade" -- China Figures It Out -- US Says "No Way"

Fallout (pun intended) from the "Lost Decade":

China figures it out.
Chinese scientists have mastered the technology for reprocessing fuel from nuclear power plants, potentially boosting the supplies of carbon-free electricity to keep the country's economy booming.
The breakthrough will extend by many times the amount of power that can be generated from China's nuclear plants as fissile and fertile materials are recovered to be new fuel.
US scrapped the program under ObamaNation.
U.S. commercial reprocessing of plutonium was halted by then-President Jimmy Carter because of nuclear proliferation worries. Then-President George W. Bush proposed a resumption, but the National Research Council found it not economically justifiable. President Barack Obama scrapped the Bush effort.
So, "we" will keep burning coal and chastising China for using "clean" technology.

EOG Hits a DRY Hole -- Not a Bakken -- North Dakota, USA

January 3, 2010: a DRY well that targeted the Spearfish; the Skipjack 1-30H. This well was just a few miles south of all the other miserable Spearfish wells just across the border from Canada. Why were "they" successful in the Canadian Spearfish but couldn't do it in North Dakota?

New Wells Reporting -- First Calendar Quarter, 2011

Locator: 10010WELL1Q11.

Note: the 2Q11 list can be found here.  

A New Year. Starting over with a new list. Two years ago, I put all new wells on one post. Last year, I broke the list into two postings. This year, I will break it into four postings, by quarter. 

This page: January - March, 2011
Data for 4Q13: 4Q13
Data for 3Q13: 3Q13
Data for 2Q13: 2Q13
Data for 1Q13: 1Q13
Data for 4Q12: 4Q12
Data for 3Q12: 3Q12
Data for 2Q12: 2Q12
  Data for 1Q12: 1Q12   
Data for 4Q11: 4Q11 
Data for 3Q11: 3Q11 
Data for 2Q11: 2Q11 
 Data for 1Q11: 1Q11  
 Data for 2H10: 2H10  
Data for Oct, 2009 through 1H10: 1H10
(IPs in parentheses: press release, generally 24-hour flowback released by company)

19072, 152, XTO, Big Gulch Federal 41X-16, Haystack Butte, t11/10; cum 247K 3/20; see this note;

19001, 618, Zenergy, Stepanik 8-5H, t12/10; cum 262K 3/20;
19260, 225, Resolute Natural Resources/MRO, Watson USA 14-32H, Lone Butte/Wildcat, Bakken; west of Little Knife oil field; remote; 24 stages; 2.8 million lbs; t1/11; cum 98K 2/20; off line 2/20; remains off line 3/20;

19136, 432, Hess, RS-Nelson A-156-90-2120H-1, Ross, Bakken; nice well; t10/10; 241K 3/20;
18556, 280, XTO, Holte 21X-4, West Bank, Bakken; t1/11; cum 134K 3/20;
18579, 2,006, Petroshale/Oasis/SM, Jorgenson 1-30H, Bear Den, Bakken, t12/10; 120K by 6/11; cum 580K 3/20;
19067, 137, Lime Rock Resources/OXY USA, Easy Street 3-4H, Dimond, Bakken; t2/11; cum 88K 3/20;
19473, 1,060, MRO, Crow Flies High USA 31-4H, Antelope, Bakken; t5/11; cum 568K 9/19; off line as of 9/19; remains off line 3/20; cum 661K 5/24;
18910, 80, Petro-Hunt/Baytex, Lindsey 4-161-98H, Whiteaker, Bakken, Three Forks formation, fracked; t8/10; cum 56K 3/20; open hole frack; 2.3 million pounds proppant;
18892, 340, Lime Rock Resources/OXY/Anschutz, Evelyn Kary 1-15-22H-144-97, Cabernet, Bakken; t3/11; cum 116K 3/20;
19246, 1,425, WPX/Zenergy, Dakota-3 Wells 32-29H, Reunion Bay, Bakken; t3/11; cum 595K 3/20; cum 641K 5/24;
19328, 853, Zavanna, Earl 1-13H, Stockyard Creek, Bakken, t6/11; cum 380K 3/20;
18944, 907, XTO, Helen 11X-5, West Capa, Bakken; t1/11; cum 174K 3/20;
19470, 1,274, Hess/Tracker Resource Development II, Victor Pohribnak 16-1H,  Cedar Coulee, Bakken, 32K in one month; t1/11; cum 296K 2/15;
19098, 193, Hess, AV-Iverson-162-94-2314H-1, Larson/Wildcat, Bakken; north of Tioga; fairly inactive area, t10/10, cum 69K 2/15;
19412, 1,425, Statoil/BEXP, Kalil Farms 14-23 1H, Bull Butte, Bakken, t5/11; cum 129K 2/15;
19375, IA/308, MRO, Gertrude Tuhy 34-24H, Bailey, Bakken, 14 stages; 2 million lbs; t3/11; cum 37K 3/14;
19507, 336, CLR, Glendive Ldoge 21-30NH, Cedar Hills, North Red River B (non-Bakken well), t11/10; cum 136K 11/13;
19128, 937, XTO, Mondak Federal 24X-12, Mondak, Bakken; no oil produced first two months (weather?); t2/11; cum 140K 11/13;
19497, 1,046, Newfield,  Wilson 150-99-29-32-1H, South Tobacco Garden, Bakken, t5/11;  cum 128K 11/13;
18368, 323, Slawson, Payara 2-21H, Van Hook, Bakken; a press release had this over 1,000 bbl IP
19665, 959, Bandit 2-29H, Van Hook, t1/11; cum 264K 2/15;
18924, 1,361, Vixen Federal 1-19-30H, t2/11; Van Hook, Bakken; cum 505K 4/18;
19306, 840, Siirtola 1-28-33H, 30 frac stages; flowing at 840 bopd, t3/11; cum 125K 10/15;
19169, 685, HRC/G3, Carlson 1-11H, Strandahl, Bakken, spudded 9/10; tested 12/10; initial erratic production; this is GeoResources (GEOI) first operated Williams county well; short lateral; 29/64" choke,  cum 67K 10/15;
19256, 404, CLR, Thon 1-34H, Upland, Bakken; t12/10; cum 103K 10/15;
18992, 826, Slawson, Stampede 1-36-25H, Painted Woods, Bakken, t11/10;  cum 99K 10/15;
18922, 472, WPX/Dakota-3/Zenergy, Skunk Creek 1-12H/Dakota-3 Skunk Creek, South Fork, Bakken, t6/11; cum 545K 4/18;
19483, 880, Slawson, Cyclone 1-21-16H, Arnegard, Bakken; 9K first month; F; t8/11;
cum 166K 10/15;
19398, 1,945, American Oil, Bergstrom 2-28H, Wheelock/Wildcat, Bakken, t1/11; cum 148K 10/15;
19304, 174, Sinclair, Crosby Creek 1-5H, Little Knife, Bakken, t11/11; cum 93K 10/15;
19223, 152, Petro-Hunt, Jorgenson 158-94-11D-2-1H, Tioga, Bakken; t5/11;  cum 145K 10/15;
19124, 138, EOG, Sidonia 35-0618H, low IP but pretty good production nevertheless, Clear Water, Bakken; t9/10; cum 189K 10/15;
18860, 517, CLR, Morris 2-26H, Oakdale, Bakken; t5/11; cum 241K 10/15;
19503, 275, CLR, Simmental 2-21H, Elm Tree, Bakken, t12/10; cum 213K 10/15;
19003, DRY, CLR, Haag 1-21H, Wildcat, Bakken
19196, 2,395, Murex, Ventura 11-2H, West Bank, Bakken; t11/10; 56K as of 2/11 four months. This well has an interesting production history. See more here; cum 208K 10/15;
18859, 680, CLR, Carson Peak 3-35H, Oakdale, Bakken, t5/11; cum 651K 4/18;
19209, 539, Crescent Point Energy/Anschutz, State 1-36H-156-98, Wheelock/Wildcat, Bakken, t11/10; cum 57K 10/15;
19512, 1,959, WLL, Oja 14-27XH, Sanish, Bakken, t2/11; cum 346K 10/15;
19502, 2,720, WLL, Niemitalo 31-15XH, Sanish, Bakken, t2/11; cum 358K 10/15;
19222, 1,100, WLL, Bartleson 21-3H, Sanish, Bakken, t2/11; cum 150K 10/15;
19005, 1,289, WLL, Satterthwaite 43-1H, Sanish, Bakken, t2/11; cum 174K 10/15;
18889, 1,512, Murex, Kevin Wayne 10-3H, West Bank, Bakken, t3/11; cum 216K 10/15;
18787, 801, North Plains Energy, Sorenson Federal 15-5H, Sand Creek, Bakken; t1/11; cum 122K 10/15;
18428, 579, Slawson, Prowler 2-16H, Van Hook, Bakken, t1/11; cum 303K 10/15;
19467, 580, QEP, MHA 2-04-03H-149-90, Deep Water Creek, Bakken, t4/11; cum 100K 11/13;
18206, 228, Petro-Hunt, Fort Berthold 147-94-2A-11-1H, McGregory Buttes, Bakken, t1/11; cum 145K 11/13;
16764, 473, MRO, Knudsvig 34-7H, Bailey, Bakken, 18 stages; 2.2 million lbs; t12/10; cum 202K 10/15;
18776, 376, Hess, EN-Dolan-157-94-2833H-1, Pleasant Valley, Bakken; t10/10; cum 90K 10/15;
18858, 715, CLR, Morris 3-26H, Oakdale, Bakken; s9/10; t5/11; cum 389K 10/15;
19463, IA/11, Petro Harvester Operating Company, LLC, Cameron 1-12, Kuroki, Madison (not a Bakken); permitted for injection, July 22, 2011; t11/10; cum -- 11/13;
18435, 2,376, Denbury, Nelson 41-5H, Antelope, Sanish (Three Forks), t3/1l; cum 152K 11/13;
19386, TA, Corinthian/Ritchie, Bernstein 1, Wildcat, Madison
18886, 1,456, QEP, MHA 1-32-31H-150-90, Deep Water Creek Bay, Bakken, t2/11; cum 153K 11/13;
19036, 2,086, Oasis, Evans 5693 42-27H, Alger, Bakken, t11/10; cum 194K 11/13;
19238, 532, Hunt, Palermo 1-24-25H 1, Ross, Bakken, t11/10; cum 126K 11/13;
19406, 3,761, BEXP, Knoshaug 14-11 1H, Avoca/Wildcat, Bakken, t1/11; cum 221K 11/13;
18862, 164, EOG, Vanville 6-25H, Thompson Lake, Bakken, t9/10; cum 108K 11/13;
18669, 5, EOG, Crowfoot 2-20H, Clear Water, Bakken, unless not yet cracked, another poor Clear Water well; t10/10; cum 24K 11/13;
19443, DRY, Ballantyne, Pepper 7-22, Spring Coulee, Madison (not a Bakken)
19271, 1,820, WLL, Bernard Roggenbuck 24-25H, Sanish, t1/11; cum 151K 11/13;
19299, 608, MRO, Luther USA 31-16H, Reunion Bay, Bakken, 20 stages; 2.7 million lbs; t3/11; cum 238K 11/13;
19432, 127, Samson Resources, Woodpecker 27-34-163-95H, Forthun, Bakken, t4/11; cum 55K 11/13;
18971, 894, EOG, Liberty 09-23H, Van Hook, Bakken, t9/10; cum 133K 11/13;
19353, 756, CLR, Violet 1-21H, Hamlet, Bakken, t12/10; cum 105K 11/13;
19387, 417, EOG, Van Hook 102-02H, Parshall, Bakken; t11/10; cum 90K 11/13;
19170,1,882, EOG, Bear Den 07-17H, Spotted Horn, Bakken, t1/11; cum 169K 11/13;
17483, 217, CLR, Boxcar Butte South Federal 1-26H, South Boxcar, Bakken, t1/11; cum 23K 11/13;
19367, 543, Samson Resources, Eagle 22-15-163-95H, Forthun, Bakken, t5/11; cum 63K 11/13;
19018, 927, EOG, Van Hook 15-15H, Van Hook, Bakken, t9/10; cum 381K 4/18;
19004, 1,440, EOG, Mandaree 12-07H, Squaw Creek, Bakken, t11/10; cum 122K 11/13;
18867, 1,119, Murex, Joann Marie 13-24H, Beaver Lodge, Bakken; s8/10; t4/11; cum 181K 11/13; Beaver Lodge is oldest field in the Williston Basin
18714, 900, Murex, Brian Webb 32-5H, McGregor, Bakken, t10/10; cum 178K 11/13;
18950, 519, Hess, EN-Heinle-156-94-2536H-1, Big Butte, Bakken, t9/10; cum 158K 11/13;
18839, 424, Hess, EN-Abrahamson-155-93-3019H-2, Alger, Bakken, t10/10; cum 149K 11/13;
18604, 366, Hess, RS-Nelson Farms, Ross, Bakken, t10/10; cum 149K 11/13;
19190, 615, CLR, Myrte 3-7H, Sauk, Bakken, t7/11; cum 138K 11/13;
19288, 984, BR, Veeder 14-24H, Blue Buttes, Bakken; t4/11; cum 96K 11/13;
19389, 1,936, BEXP, M. Olson 20-29 1-H, Painted Woods, Bakken,  tested 12/10; cum 186K 11/13;
19394, 525, CLR, Robert Heuer 2-20H, Dolphin, Bakken, t12/10; cum 107K 11/13;
18038, 806, EOG, Liberty 5-24H, Van Hook, Bakken; this looks like a very good well; 71K in first five months; west Parshall field right on the east side of the river; t9/10; cum 248K 11/13;
19380, 497, CLR, Norway 1-5H, Wildcat, Bakken, very active area west of the reservation; t3/11; cum 146K 11/13;
17651, 305, CLR, Tanberg 1-4H, Sadler, Bakken, t12/10; cum 82K 11/13;
19213, 341, CLR, Nadeau 1-35H, Hebron, Bakken, t1/11; cum 71K 11/13;
19191, 402, CLR, McCoy 2-18H, Northwest McGregor, Bakken; t7/11; cum 133K 11/13;
19329, 1,261, BTA, 20711 Bibler 67 1-H, Stockyard Creek, Bakken, t6/11; cum 263K 10/15;
19368, 154, Slawson, Submariner Federal 1-23-24H, Van Hook, Bakken, t8/11; cum 392K 4/18; cum 536K 11/21;
18895, 632, Samson Resources, Almos Farms 1-12-162-99HOR, Ambrose, Bakken, t12/10; cum 142K 11/13;
19349, 7, OXY USA, Pick Axe 19-4H, Dimond, Bakken, t4/11; cum 49K 11/13;
19272, AB, Oil for America, Wolf 29-1, Wildcat, Lodgepole
19301, 2,526, Whiting/KOG, Koala 9-5-6-5H, Wildcat, Bakken; t4/11; cum 260K 10/15;
18904, 466, CLR, Harriet 1-22H, Hamlet, Bakken, t12/10; cum 118K 11/13;
18760, 866, BEXP, Brown 30-19 1-H, Alger, Bakken; tested 6/11; 56K by 6/11; 25K in first 26 days; 56K in less than 3 months
19319, 762, EOG, Lostwood 13-25H, Kittleson Slough, t12/10; cum 113K 2/15;
19192, 757, CLR, Myrtle 4-7H, Sauk, Northwest McGregor, t7/11; cum 131K 2/15;
19070, 2,345, Statoil/BEXP, Roger Sorenson 8-5 1H, Alger, t11/10; cum 271K 2/15;
18441, 1,067, XTO, White Federal 34X-34, Grinnell, t11/10; cum 132K 2/15;
17722, 2,068, Helis, Henderson Federal 4-26/35H, Grail, t1/11; cum 265K 2/15;
19122, 170, EOG, Liberty 102-01H, Van Hook, Bakken; pump put on 1/11/11, Three Forks target, 15 stage fracture, short lateral, spud 9/3/10 and already on a pump following 15-stage frac ... hmmmm, t11/10; cum 66K 2/15;
19193, 757, CLR, McCoy 3-18H, Northwest McGregor, t7/11; cum 183K 2/15;
19158, 333, CLR, Gronfur 1-28H, Brooklyn, t1/11; cum 195K 2/15;
19369, 3,206, Statoil/BEXP, Bratcher 10-3 1H, Ragged Butte, t12/10; cum 216K 2/15;
19088, 629, Anschutz,Wolberg 21-18H, Simon Butte, t10/10; cum 135K 2/15; cum 592K 11/21;
19174, 2,090, WLL, Kannianen 43-33H, Sanish, Bakken, t10/10; cum 329K 10/15;
19029, 2,411, WLL, Heiple 11-3H, Sanish, Bakken, t10/10; cum 380K 4/18;
19025, 1,361, WLL,  Moore 11-7H, Sanish, Bakken, t11/10; cum 208K 10/15;
18965, 1,264, WLL, Satterthwaite 13-7H, Sanish, Bakken, t9/10; cum 199K 10/15;
18943, 2,169, WLL, Locken 14-9XH, Sanish, Bakken, t11/10; cum 559K 4/18; cum 592K 11/21; cum 594K 5/22;
18869, 947, WLL, Smith 44-26H, Sanish, Bakken, t10/10; cum 213K 10/15;
19211, 204, Wesco, Federal 12-20, Bicentennial, Red River (not a Bakken), t11/10; cum 94K 10/15;
19371, 61, Prima, Gunnison 11-31H, South Coteau, Bakken, t5/11; cum 76K 10/15;
18810, 589, Enerplus/Peak, Biron 20-24H, Heart Butte, Bakken, t8/11; cum 317K 10/15; cum 499K 11/21;
19311, 249, Whiting/North Plains, Aarestad 4-34H, Wildrose, Bakken; t12/10; t12/10; cum 46K 10/15;
18414, 2,861, Newfield, Sand Creek Federal 1-27HA, Sand Creek, Bakken, t11/10; cum 196K 10/15;
18888, 1,039, Sinclair, Martens 1-5H, Sanish, Bakken, t10/10; cum 154K 10/15;
19385, TA/129, Ritchie Exploration, Bernstein 4B 1, North Sourtis, Spearfish, t2/11; cum 1K 9/12;
19324, 674, SM, Fossum 15-35H, Indian Hill, Bakken, t11/10; cum 142K 10/15;
19384, TA/3 (not a typo), Ritchie Exploration, Bernstein 33C 1, North Souris, Madison (not a Bakken), t2/11; cum 255 bbls;
19110, 2,849, Newfield, Malm 149-98-14-23-1H, Pembroke, Bakken, t4/11; 253K 10/15;
19284, 1,130, MRO, Edward Darwin 14-35H, Murphy Creek, Bakken, 20 stages; 3.4 million lbs; t7/11; cum 133K 10/15;
18412, AB/68, EOG, Fertile 29-27H, Parshall, Bakken, t10/10; cum 3K 4/12;
18884, 625, EOG, Liberty 23-12H, Van Hook, t9/10; cum 186K 10/15;
18338, TA, EOG, Fertile 28-26H, Parshall, Bakken, TA 7/14;
18546, 3,424, Enerplus, Ethan Hall 6B-31-30-1H, McGregory Buttes, t12/10; cum 537K 4/18; recently went off line; cum 601K 11/21;
18066, 515, EOG, Liberty 101-12H, Van Hook, t9/10; cum 100K 2/15;
19357, 441, CLR, Sandie 1-28H, Elidah, t12/10; cum 124K 2/15;
19340, 759, CLR, Nadia 1-30H, Jim Creek, t12/10; cum 136K 2/15;
19035, 29, CLR, Rivers Bend 21-16SH, Cedar Hills, North Red River B (not a Bakken), t11/10; cum 11K 10/15;
18581, 755, CLR/Newfield, Caliente 1-9H, East Fork/Wildcat, Bakken, t4/11; cum 86K 10/15;
19081, 788, Fidelity, Lynn 19-20-29H, Sanish, Bakken; t2/11; cum 182K 10/15;
19102, 1,885, BR, Phantom Ship 24-22H, Westberg, Bakken; t10/10; cum 415K 4/18;
18967, 159, XTO, Sundhagen 31X-3, Midway, Bakken; t11/10; cum 68K 10/15;
19359, TA/91, Petro-Hunt, Sorenson 152-96-24C-13-2H, Union Center, Three Forks, 6 stages; 700K lbs; t9/11; cum 32K 7/15;
19087, 1,395, CLR/Newfield, 1-H Sandhill 25-36, Wildcat, Bakken, no evidence that this well has been fracked yet; 46K as of 7/11 following first production 1/11; t1/11; cum 154K 10/15;
19144, 952, MRO, TAT USA 34-22H, Antelope, Bakken, t3/11; cum 281K 10/15;
16811, 77, MRO, T Kupper USA 34-11H, Bailey, Bakken, t4/11; cum 138K 10/15; (interesting production profile)
18865, 1,026, Slawson, Silencer 1-29H, Big Bend, Bakken, t12/10; cum 213K 11/13;
19251, 406, MRO, Quale USA 31-20H, Four Bears, Bakken, t2/11; cum 108K 11/13;
19127, 1,319, XTO, Carter 14X-12, Grinnell, Bakken; Three Forks well, 30 mi east of Williston; 18 frac stages; t11/10; cum 129K 11/13;
19049, 1,099, SM, Jorgenson 1X-30H, Bear Den, Bakken; tested 1/11; 267K 11/13;
19167, 517, Oasis, Holmes 5601 44-32H, Tyrone/Wildcat, Bakken (7 miles north-northwest Williston); t2/11; cum 85K 11/13;
18977, AB/469, Hunt, Halliday 1-11-2H-1, Wolf Bay, Bakken; t11/10; cum 445K 10/15; cum 544K 7/19;
18733, 405, Hess, EN-Will Trust A-157-94-2734H-2, Big Butte, Bakken; t9/10; cum 97K 11/13;
18538, 885, EOG, Round Prairie 9-3625H, Painted Woods, Bakken; 31 stages; 3.9 million lbs; t2/11; cum 156K 11/13;
19245, 660, Cornerstone, Linda Hinds 8-7H, Wildcat, Bakken, northeast of the Cottonwood field
19073, 1,348, XTO, Dakota Federal 41X-16, Haystack Butte, Bakken, t10/10; 138K 11/13;
19736, 653, MRO, Darcy Dirkach 14-12H, Murphy Creek, Bakken; t12/11; cum 79K 11/13;
18984, 1,613, CLR, Olson 2-8H, Edge, Bakken, t11/10; cum 231K 10/15;
19282, 1,346, Oasis, Bean 5703 42-34H, Bull Butte, Bakken, t2/11; cum 124K 10/15;
18574, 1,427, Slawson, Mole 1-20H, Big Bend, Bakken, t12/10; cum 236K 10/15;
19336, 263, EOG, Clearwater 102-0506H, Clear Water, Bakken, t11/10; cum 147K 10/15;
19373, 605, Oasis / Zenergy, Rella 18-19H, Wildcat, Bakken (18-153-103 -- west of Williston, near MT border), t6/11; cum 138K 10/15; cum 198K 11/21;
19255, 718, Slawson, Muskrat Federal 1-28-33H, Van Hook, Bakken, t1/11; cum 491K 4/18; off line while other Muskrat Federal wells being fracked; cum 614K 4/21; cum 710K 4/24;
18687, 667, BR, Keene 14-35H, Little Knife, Bakken, t6/11; cum 150K 10/15;
19123, 112, Zavanna, Marlin 27-34 1H, Stockyard Creek, Bakken, t7/11; cum 148K 10/15;
19224, 289, Petro-Hunt, Fredrickson 160-94-33C28-1H, North Tioga, Bakken; 12K in first full month; t11/10; cum 166K 10/15;
19307, 1,033, Oasis, Devon 5601 12-17H, Wildcat, Bakken (17-156-101 -- north of Williston) (on same pad as 19308; Glover 5601), t7/11; cum 139K 10/15;
19318, 2,042, Hess/American Oil and Gas, Hodenfield 15-23H, Wildcat, Bakken (23-157-98 -- northwest of Ray, where the other AEZ wells have been ); tested 2/11; 164K 10/15;
19342, DRY, Timberline, Bodmer 11-2, Wildcat, Madison (not a Bakken) (2-159-88 -- southeast of Kenmare; fairly well north and east of major oil activity)
19004, 1,559, EOG, Mandaree 12-07H, Squaw Creek, Bakken, t11/10; cum 153K 10/15;
18828, 1,066, EOG, Liberty LR 16-36H, Van Hook, Bakken, t2/11; cum 340K 10/15; cum 443K 11/21; cum 468K 4/24;
19241, 820, Slawson, Jaguar 1-32H, Big Bend, Bakken, t12/10; cum 237K 10/15;
19274, PA/73, Luff, AS-RRU E-31H, Amor, Red River (not a Bakken), t10/10; cum 41K 2/14;
18271, 547, Hess, BB-Chapin A-151-95-0403H-1, Blue Buttes, Bakken, t1/11; cum 168K 10/15;
18766, 1,392, Encore, Fettig 24-22H, Squaw Creek, Bakken, t11/10; cum 66K 10/15;
19268, 125, CLR, Bicentennial Federal 1-28H, Bicentennial, Bakken, t11/10; cum 39K 10/15;
19308, 1,235, Oasis, Glover 5601 12-17H, Wildcat, Bakken (on same pad as 19307, Devon 5601) (middle Bakken), t6/11; cum 151K 10/15;
19173, 513, CLR, Farver 1-29H, Hamlet, Bakken, t11/10; cum 99K 10/15;
19125, 547, EOG, Wayzetta 103-06H, Parshall, Three Forks formation, not fracked yet, t10/10; cum 72K 10/15;
**************19265, DRY/137, CLR/Samson Resources, Navigator 13-24-162-97H/Landy 1-13, Bluffton, Three Forks (original target the Lodgepole; no success; re-drilled horizontal with Three Forks as the target?); spud 8/16/10; the new well, not much; t6/12; cum 63K 11/21; cum 69k 4/24;
19279, 688, CLR, Hendrickson 2-36H, Elm Tree, Bakken (CLR reported 1,323), t12/10; cum 312K 10/15; cum 479K 4/24;
19023, 726, CLR, Skachenko 2-31H, Jim Creek, Bakken, t6/11; cum 147K 10/15;
19085, 2,172, Statoil/BEXP, Brad Olson 9-16 3H, Painted Woods, Bakken, t4/11; 182K 10/15;
19316, 335, Hess/American Oil and Gas, Bergstrom 2-27H, Wildcat, Bakken, s8/15/10; t9/11; cum 145K 10/15;
19317, IA/213, EOG, Wayzetta 143-31H, Parshall, Bakken, t11/10; cum 54K 10/15; inactive as of 9/15;
18375, 201, Petro-Hunt, Tande 159-94-29C-20-3H, North Tioga, Bakken, t11/10; cum 150K 10/15;
19132, 1,219, Oasis, Ellis 5602 12-17H, Bull Butte, Bakken, t11/10; cum 184K 10/15;
19270, 1,006, Tracker, Gudmunsen 27-1H, Ellsworth/Wildcat, Bakken, t12/10; cum 173K 10/15;
19143, 214, Sagebrush, Erickson Et Al 2B, Renville, Madison, t9/10; cum 61K 10/15;
19097, 2,944, Oasis, Merritt 5693 11-24H, Alger, Bakken, t10/10; cum 416K 4/18; cum 522K 4/24;
19091, 882, Oasis, Horne 5603 44-9H, Bull Butte, Bakken, tested 2/11; 39K in 4 months
19107, 488, CLR, Tangsrud 2-1H, Dolphin, Bakken (CLR reported 1,023)
19022, 453, CLR, Meadowlark 2-6H, Jim Creek, Bakken, spud 8/13/10
18933, 581, Hunt, Palermo 1-5-34H, Ross, Bakken
18532, 625, EOG, Clearwater 7-04H, Clear Water, Bakken
18493, 294, EOG, Sidonia 10-2128H, Clear Water, Bakken
18464, 1,424, EOG, Mandaree 1-10H, Squaw Creek, Bakken, t9/10; cum 196K 4/18;
19138, 2,616, Encore, Franchuk 34-19SWH, Murphy Creek, Bakken
19313, 1,135, Hess/American Oil and Gas, Olson 15-36H, Oliver/Wildcat, Bakken, t11/10; cum 155K 10/15;
19176, 2,312, Statoil/BEXP, M. Macklin 15-22 1H, Cow Creek, Bakken (blog link), t12/11; cum 225K 10/15;
15732, AB/25, Flatirons Resources, Stoa 41-1H, Lake Darling, Madison (not a Bakken); t6/05; re-entered 10/10; cum 121K 1/17;
19188, 1,460, Hess/Tracker, Scanlan 17-1H, Truax, Bakken, t11/10; cum 220K 10/15;
19239, 402, EOG, Lebron 1-01H, Hebron/Wildcat, Bakken, t10/10; cum 107K 10/15;
19021, 879, CLR, Skachenko 3-31H, Jim Creek, Bakken, spud 8/10/10
19228, 211, Wesco, Federal 43-12, Bicentennial, Red River (not a Bakken); t11/10; cum 13K 6/12;
19327, 176, Citation Oil and Gas, Haram 34-21H, Haram, Madison (not a Bakken), 16K in 3.5 months
19137, 2,928, XTO/Denbury/Encore, Franchuk 34-19NWH, Murphy Creek, Bakken; t1/11; cum 243K 10/15;
18885, 1,101, QEP, MHA 1-29-30H-150-90, Deep  Water Creek Bay, Bakken, 20K in first 2 months
19020, 744, CLR, Meadowlark 3-6H, Jim  Creek, Bakken, spud 8/8/10;
18576, 1,190, BR, Concord 24-10H, Little Knife, Bakken, spud 8/8/10; IP test date, 2/12/11
18948, 1,912, WPX/Zenergy, Dakota-3 KYW 27-34H, Spotted Horn, Bakken; produced first few days, then nothing; t10/10; cum 365K 11/21; cum 393K 4/24;
18908, 1,565, EOG, Mandaree 6-20H, Phaelens Butte / Squaw Creek, Bakken, 35K in 3.5 months; cum 223K 10/22; but still active, producing one day a month;
19046, PA/844, Oasis, McFarland 5502 44-12H, Squires, Bakken, t11/10; cum 184K 4/19;
18571, 343, EOG, Sidonia 5-03H, Clear Water, Bakken, t8/10; cum 114K 11/21;
17992, 711, EOG, Liberty 4-13H, Van Hook, Bakken, 45K in 4.5 months, t8/10; cum 263K 11/21;
19198, 2,834, Grayson Mill/Equinor/Statoil/BEXP, Arvid Anderson 14-11 1H, Alger, Bakken, t11/10; cum 445K 4/18; cum 492K 11/21; cum 513K 4/24;
*****18825, 951, EOG, Van Hook 8-36H, Van Hook, Bakken, single section;100K in 5 months -- whoo-hoo! t7/10; cum 590K 4/18; cum 648K 11/21; cum 656K 4/24;
18402, 641, Petro-Hunt, Fort Berthold 1520-94-22D-15-1H, Antelope, Sanish, t2/11; cum 255K 10/15;
19258, PA/75, Oil for America, Zastoupil 22-1, Wildcat, Lodgepole (this is an important one to watch)
******18988, 1,835, WPX/Rimrock/Whiting/KOG, Two Shields Butte 14-21-33-15H, Heart Butte, Bakken, t12/10; cum 486K 4/18; taken off line 8/15 for one month; cum 589K 11/21; cum 605K 4/24;
19017, 91, Hess, AV-Kimball-162-95-1102H-1, Wildcat/Baukol Noonan, Bakken, far north of Tioga, east of Ambrose, t9/10; cum 61K 8/16;
18873, 345, Hess, EN-Ortloff-156-94-2635H-1, Big Butte, Bakken
18820, 584, Hess, HA-Rolfsrud-152-96-1720H-1, Westberg, Bakken
18775, 511, Hess, EN-Fisher-157-94-2116H-1, Pleasant Valley, Bakken
18949, 1,524, Encore, Joseph 11-1H, Indian Hill, Bakken; dropped to "0" in December (weather?)
19183, 1,171, CLR, Dalin 1-4H, Dolphin, Bakken, 54K in first 3 months
18901, 640, CLR, Horob 1-14H, Hebron, Bakken, t2/11; cum 176K 8/16;
18333, 792, XTO, McPete Federal 34X-34, Grinnell, Bakken, t11/10; cum 166K 8/16;
18603, 154, Hess, RS-Shuhart-156-90-2726H-1, Ross, Bakken, t8/10; cum 121K 8/16;
19161, 462, CLR, Orf 1-17H, Ranch Creek, Bakken, t11/10; cum 91K 8/16;
19220, 1,057, Whiting/BTA, 20711 Saccaro 310 1H, Stockyard Creek, Bakken; tested 11/10; 110K by 6/11; cum 426K 4/18; cum 532K 11/21; cum 575K 4/24;
19008, 2,804, BEXP, Brakken 30-31 1H, Catwalk, Bakken, t12/10; cum 221K 8/16;
19208, 800, Slawson, Water Moccasin 4-34-TFH, Van Hook, Bakken, t4/11; cum 280K 8/16;
19093, 1,960, Hess/Tracker, Bice 6-31-1TH, Big Gulch, Bakken; Big Gulch is an 8-section field forming the eastern border of Little Knife field, southwest of the reservation; Tracker is now part of Hess; 58K in 2.5 months; t10/10; cum 339K 8/16; cum 429K 11/21; cum 440K 4/24; went off line 6/22; came back on line, 3/24;
19207, 613, Slawson, Vagabond 1-27H, Van Hook, Bakken, t4/11; cum 358K 1/18; cum 473K 4/24;
19315, AB/IA/1,038, Petro Harvester/Sagebrush, Rice 11, Renville, Madison (not a Bakken), 37K in first 3.5 months; t8/10; cum 130K 7/15; off line but a bit of production puts it at 144K 11/21;
19298, 463, MRO, Luther USA 11-16H, Reunion Bay, Bakken; spudded  7/10; tested 2/11; 210 bbls in first three days (1/11)
19109, 572, EOG, Burke 32-05HX, Ross, Bakken, t8/10; cum 122K 8/16;
19184, 1,281, BR, Tilton 34-7H, Wildcat/Lone Butte, Bakken; the wildcat is just a half-mile west of the fairly good Little Knife field, a bit southwest of the reservation; as of 1/26/11;  has produced 45K as of 1/12; t3/11; cum 186K 8/16;
19314, AB/555, Petro Harvester/Sagebrush, Rice 10, Renville, Madison (not a Bakken); t8/10; cum 66K 2/15;
19118, TA, MRO, Corrine Olson 34-20, Bailey, Bailey, Bakken, s7/10
17903, 17, MRO, Casey Kukla USA 21-6H, Murphy Creek, Bakken, t11/10; cum 123K 8/16; --- hmmm
18645, 702, XTO, Roedeske Federal 12X-21, MonDak, Bakken
19179, 2,674, Newfield, Johnsrud 150-98-6-7-1H, Siverston, Bakken. 53K in first two months, t11/10; cum 283K 8/16;
19212, 457, CLR, Wiseman 1-31H, Hebron, Bakken, t10/10; cum 174K 8/16;
18990, 1,054,WLL, Knife River State 21-16H, Sanish, Bakken, t9/10; cum 270K 7/16; taken off line 8/16;
18928, 1,890, WLL, Ogden12-3H, Sanish, Bakken, 55K in first 3 months
18926, 2,140, WLL, Hagey 12-13H, Sanish, Bakken, 51K in first  3 months, t8/10; cum 287K 10/15;
*****18876, 3,023, WLL, Rohde 14-6XH, Sanish, Bakken, t8/10; cum 468K 4/18; cum 525K 11/21; cum 549K 4/24;
18761, 3,027, WLL, Fladeland 43-9H, Sanish, Bakken, t8/10; cum 323K 10/15;
18743, 1,468, WLL, Miller 43-10H, Sanish, Bakken, t8/10; cum 294K 10/15;
18658, 2,685, WLL, Mayer 12-3H, Sanish, Bakken, t9/10; cum 273K 10/15;
*****18635, 2,591, WLL, Littlefield 21-12H, Sanish, Bakken, t8/10; cum 503K 10/15; cum 622K 5/21; cum 630K 11/21; cum 639K 4/24;
19201, 595, CLR, Evenson 1-19H, Hamlet, Bakken (CLR reported 1,426); t12/10; cum 146K 10/15;
18793, 274, EOG, Mont 100-28H, Squires, Bakken; t8/10; cum 62K 7/14;
19276, 179, Cornerstone, Tafelmeyer 7-34H, Customs, Bakken, t10/10; cum 77K 7/14;
19119, 3,425, BEXP, Heen 26-35 1H, Todd, Bakken, t11/10; cum 266K 7/14;
19230, 649, MRO, Goodall USA 11-29H, Reunion Bay, Bakken, t1/11; cum 185K 7/14;
18838, 424, Hess, EN-Abrahamson-155-93-3019H-1, Alger, Bakken, t7/10; cum 170K 7/14;
18808, 665, EOG, Wayzetta 142-3019H, Parshall, Bakken, t11/10; cum 118K 7/14;
19278, 593, Peak North Dakota, Audrey Rabbithead Hall 33-11H, Bakken, 11/10; cum 102K 7/14;
19060, 229, North Plains, Comford 9-12H, Corinth, Bakken, t10/10; cum 47K 7/14;
18834, 1,140, CLR, Jerol 1-27H, Lindahl, Bakken (CLR reported 1,663); t4/11; cum 316K 4/18; cum 380K 5/21; cum 401K 4/224;
19054, 1,008, Abraxas, Ravin 26-35-1H, North Fork, Bakken, t1/11; cum 153K 7/14;
19150, 895, WPX/Zenergy, FBIR 13-24H/Dakota-3 FBIR 13-24H, Van Hook, Bakken; t2/11; cum 268K 7/14;
19030, 2,707, Oasis, Kjorstad 5300 24-22H, Wildcat, Bakken, t10/10; cum 183K 7/14;
19116, 462, MRO, Trampe 44-32H, Bailey, Bakken, t11/10; cum 111K 7/14;
17468, 878, MRO, Hendricks 34-20H, Murphy Creek, Bakken, t7/1l; cum 119K 7/14;
19156, 282, CLR, Brandvik 2-25H, Corral Creek, Bakken (CLR reported 1,630); t10/10; cum 261K 7/14;
19115, 609,  CLR, Mack 2-2H, Antelope, Sanish, t10/10; cum 134K 7/14;
18054, 489, Zavanna, Rodney 1-14H, Stockyard Creek, Bakken, t6/11; cum 140K 7/14;
19148, 517, Hunt, Dunn 1-12-1H, Lake Ilo, Bakken, t10/10; cum 133K 7/14;
19126, 76, CLR, Lansing 1-25H, Banks, Bakken, t11/10; cum 354K 8/16;
19134, 1,171, XTO, Kelvie 11X-15, Grinnell, Bakken, t10/10; cum 161K 7/14;
18814, 1,754, SM, Wilson 8-20H, Charlson, Bakken, t10/10; cum 216K 7/14;
18005, PA/28/DRY/TA, WLL, Jones 44-35, Wildcat, Red River and Three Forks (not a Bakken); no "H" designation; southwest corner of state; about 16 miles NNE of Beach, ND; absolutely no activity in immediate area; Red River well is active; t8/13; cum 8K 7/14;
18737, 1,034, WPX/Zenergy, Mason 2-11H/Dakota-3-Mason 2-11H, Van Hook, Bakken, t2/11; cum 286K 8/16;
19080, 877, Kaiser-Francis/Fidelity, Domaskin 19-30-29H, Sanish, Bakken, t10/10; cum 233K 4/18;
18983, 494, CLR, Rolfsrud 1-11H, Elidah, Bakken (CLR reported 1,713), t10/10; cum 295K 4/18;
19215, 1,872, Statoil/BEXP, State 36-1 2H, Stony Creek, Bakken, t9/10; cum 226K 4/18;
18431, 550, XTO, Myrna 21X-2, Alkali Creek, Bakken, t9/10; cum 211K 4/18;
19112, 2,526, Newfield, Charlotte 150-98-17-20-1H, Siverston, Bakken, t11/10; cum 330K 4/18;
19065, 521, CLR, Janet 1-8H, Hanson, Bakken, t9/10; cum 115K 4/18;
19199, 1,248, Hess/AEZ, Hodenfield 15-7H, Wildcat, Bakken, t12/10; cum 171K 4/18;
19131, 1,050, OAS, Somerset 5602 12-17H, Bull Butte, Bakken; t11/10; cum 165K 4/18;
19175, AB/220, EOG, Burke 102-31H, Parshall, Bakken, t10/10; cum 82K 7/14;
19083, 183, CLR, Shafer 1-21H, Elidah, Bakken; t10/10; cum 200K 4/18;
18672, 373, EOG, Clearwater 14-31H, Ross, Bakken; t7/10; cum 368K 4/18; cum 397K 11/21; cum 432K 4/24;
17918, 2,166, Newfield, Clear Creek Federal 1-26H, Bakken; t8/10; cum 138K 4/18; taken off line 2/18;
18455, 1,089, KOG, Two Shields Butte 14-21-4H, Bakken; t12/10; cum 241K 4/18;
18497, 1,878, Newfield, Ursus 1-20H, Bakken; t10/10; cum 156K 4/18;
18641, AB/1,856, Newfield, Megamouth 1-8H, Siverston, Bakken; t8/10; cum 145K 4/18;
18741, 407, Newfield, Dahl 1-5H, Siverston, Bakken; t7/10; cum 152K 4/18;
18989, 958, Rimrock/Whiting/KOG, Two Shields Butte 14-21-33-16H3, Heart Butte, Bakken; t12/10; cum 288K 4/18;
19032, PA/604, Zavanna, Hanson 28-33 1H, Stockyard Creek, Bakken; t11/10; cum 146K 4/18;
16587, 294, EOG, Ross 20-16H, Bakken; t7/10; cum 125K 4/18;
18365, 1,379, EOG, Liberty 8-01H, Van Hook, Bakken; t7/10; cum 334K 4/18; taken off line 7/21;
19236, 680, P31 Operating/Petro Harvester Operating/Sagebrush, Asheim 2, Renville, note this one was not a horizontal; t8/10; cum 132K 4/18;
18724, 1,251, WLL, Foreman 11-4TFH, Sanish, Bakken, t6/10; cum 270K 4/18; taken off-line 8/16; back on line, cum 295K 11/21;
18639, 2,309, WLL, Iverson 21-14H, Sanish, Bakken, t6/10; cum 460K 4/18;  off line 9/19; back on line 3/21; cum 482K 5/21; cum 488K 11/21; cum 511K 4/24;
18553, AB/1,776, WLL, Kannianen 43-31H, Sanish, Bakken, t7/10; cum 391K 4/18; 441K 11/21; off line;
18507, 1,946, WLL, Lahti 24-22H, Sanish, Bakken, t6/10; cum 570K 3/20 off line 4/20; remains off line 5/21; cum 571K 11/21; back on line for a few months, then off line again, cum 573K 4/22; cum 578K 4/24;
18500, 1,073, WLL, Marmon 12-18TFH, Sanish, Bakken; t8/10; cum 136K 4/18;
18902, TA/2, Petro Harvester Operating/Sagebrush, Busch 10-5, Portal, Madison (not a Bakken); t8/10; cum 401 bbls
  • 18786, 271, Whiting/KOG, Wisness 21-34H, Pembroke, Bakken; t8/10; cum 271K 4/18; cum 319K 11/21; cum 325K 12/22;
  • 18535, 689, EOG, Sidonia 8-26H, Clear Water, Bakken; t5/10; cum 152K 4/18; cum 176K 12/22;
  • 18519, 106, EOG, Sidonia 13-08H, Clear Water, Bakken; t5/10; cum 142K 4/18; cum 164K 12/22;
  • 18403, 963, EOG, Burke 26-18H, Stanley, Bakken; t5/10; cum 241K 4/18; cum 279K 12/22;
  • 18118, 285, EOG, Ross 12-06H, Alger, Bakken; t5/10; cum 97K 4/18; off line; then, back on line, 11/22; cum 105K 12/22; see this post;
  • 18829, 116, Cornerstone, Jorgensen 4-4H, Customs, Midale/Nesson (not a Bakken); t7/10; cum 41K 4/18; cum 49K 5/21;
  • 18788, 620, CLR, Uxbridge 1-9H, Stoneview, Bakken; t7/10; cum 186K 4/18;
  • 18679, 1,371, CLR, Medicine Hole 2-27H, Jim Creek, Bakken; t7/10; cum 195K 4/18;
  • 18722, 582, Lime Rock/OXY  USA/Anschutz, State 1-36-25H-143-97, Fayette, Bakken; t7/10; cum 170K 4/18;
  • 18891, 2,631, Grayson Mill/Equinor/Statoil/BEXP, Larsen 3-10 1-H, Williston, Bakken (previously reported?); t9/10; cum 340K 4/18; cum 390K 5/21; cum 399K 7/22;
  • 19024, IA/458, Lime Rock / OXY USA/Anschutz, Dvorak State 1-16-21H-142-96, Manning, Bakken; t12/10; cum 110K 4/18; cum 138K 9/22; offline;
  • 19194, PA/AB/IA/23, Petro Harvester Operating/Sagebrush, Lodoen 11-8H, Kuroki, Madison (not a Bakken well); t8/10; cum 3K 7/14;
  • 19086, 2,472, Grayson Mill / Statoil/BEXP, Brad Olson 9-16 2H, Painted Woods, Bakken, t11/10; cum 215K 4/18; cum 252K 12/22;
  • 18799, 1,642, Oasis, Stowers 5502 43-8H, Squires, Bakken; tested 2/11; cum 222K 4/18; cum 263K 12/22;
  • 19055, 1,089, Sinclair, Bighorn 1-6H, Wildcat/Mary oil field, Bakken, near the Little Knife oil field; t2/11; cum 188K 4/18; cum 251K 12/22;
  • 19026, PA/AB/IA/1,507, Newfield, Sawfish 1-1H, Poe, Bakken, 21K in first 60 days; t9/10; cum 84K 7/14;
  • ****19095, IA/689, MRO, Galen Fox USA 24-7H, Van Hook, Bakken; t12/10; cum 413K 4/18; cum 538K 5/21; cum 557K 7/22; cum 562K 12/22; cum 571K 10/23; off line;
  • 18627, 746, Enerplus, Henry Bad Gun 9C-4-1H, Moccasin Creek, Bakken; t4/12; cum 257K 4/18; cum 349K 12/22; cum 365K 4/24;
  • 18768, 1,212, Burlington Resources, Blegen 2-13H, Blue Buttes, Bakken; t11/10; cum 273K 4/18; cum 332K 10/22; off line; cum 342K 3/24; off line again;
  • 19105, 558, Oasis/Zenergy, Aune 32-29H, Wildcat/Eightmile, Bakken, southwest of Williston, north/west side of the river, t11/10; cum 261K 4/18; just went off line 4/18; back on line; cum 331K 12/22;
  • 19101, 333, Oasis/Samson Resources, Gustafson 29-32-161-92H, Foothills, Bakken, t10/10; cum 185K 4/18; cum 209K 12/22; cum 216K 4/24;
  • 18991, 1,053, Oasis/QEP, MHA 1-19H-150-90, Deep Water Creek Bay, Bakken; link includes a nice discussion, t9/10; cum 272K 4/18; cum 354K 9/20; off line; no idea what's going on with this well; 1 day of production, 4/24;
  • 99188, dry/Shut-In, EOG, Liberty 22-12M, Van Hook, Souris River pool (a monitoring well, which will be converted to a salt water disposal well?)
  • 18704, 293, Murex, Claire Alexis 33-4H, McGregor, Bakken, t8/10; cum 124K 4/18; cum 149K 12/22; cum 155K 4/24;
  • 16358, 223, Murex, Megan Brooke 15-22H, Beaver Lodge, Bakken (Beaver Lodge is the field where oil was first discovered in North Dakota, in 1951); this well was originally spud in 2006 (that's the date of the IP); it's production recently doubled, or tripled; t12/06; 5/10; cum 220K 4/18; cum 258K 11/22; off line; cum 276K 4/24;
  • ****16186, 439, Murex, Angie Marie 13-24H, Beaver Lodge, Bakken (Beaver Lodge is the field where oil was first discovered in North Dakota, in 1951); this well was originally spud in 2006 (that's the date of the IP); it's production recently (7/10) tripled -- re-frac'd?; t7/06; cum 437K 4/18; cum 505K 7/22; cum 511K 12/22; cum 527K 4/24;
  • 18923, 447, Petro-Hunt/KOG, Grizzly Federal 1-27H-R, Mondak, Bakken, t10/10; cum 133K 4/18; cum 173K 7/22; cum 176K 12/22;
  • 19177, 95, Challenger Point Energy/Cornerstone, Rawn 4-26H, Stony Run/Wildcat, Madison (not a Bakken); t9/10; cum 55K 4/18; cum 59K 12/22; off line 12/22; cum 64K 4/24;
  • 17461, PA/IA/75, CLR, Bicentennial Federal 10-34H, Bicentennial, Bakken, t12/10; cum 277K 4/18;
  • 18551, 1,250, Murex, Kristi Leigh 11-2H, West Bank, Bakken, t5/10; cum 332K 4/18; cum 384K 7/22; cum 387K 12/22; cum 399K 4/24;
  • 19103, 382, Bruin/Petro-Hunt, Njos 157-100-28A-33-1H, wildcat/Marmon, Bakken (14 miles NNW of Williston; 3/4 mile east of US 2&85; four miles north of 9-mile corner), t9/10; cum 136K 4/18; cum 164K 12/22; cum 170K 4/24;
  • 18625, 368, White Rock/WLL, BSMU 3604, Big Stick, Madison well, not a Bakken; t8/10; cum 278K 4/18; cum 346K 12/22; cum 366K 4/24;
  • 18612, 25, White Rock/WLL, BSMU 3602X, Big Stick, Madison well, not a Bakken, Big Stick is in the southwest part of the state; t11/10; cum 56K 4/18; cum 90K 12/22; cum 98K 4/24;
  • *****18973, A/AB/IA/2,579, Oasis/QEP/Helis, State 1-16/21H, Blue Buttes, Bakken, Blue Buttes field is west of Spotted Horn and Antelope (in the reservation; Blue Buttes is outside the reservation); 90K in first 2 months; t10/10; cum 669K 4/18; link here; cum 691K 12/20; off line 1/21; remains off line 5/21; cum 691K 12/20; off line but may be coming back on line; remains off line 4/24; cum 691K 12/20;
  • 19111, 668, CLR, Otis 2-13H, Upland, Bakken, t9/10; cum 115K 4/18;
  • ****19057, A/AB/4,106, Grayson Mill/Equinor/Statoil/BEXP, Domaskin 30-31 1-H, Alger, Bakken, t10/10; cum 449K 4/18;  cum 472K 6/19; cum 473K 6/19; off-line; back on line; cum 134K 12/22; cum 494K 4/24;
  • 19130, 2,080, Hess/AEZ, Hodenfield 15-33H, Wildcat, Bakken, 2 miles north of highway 2, heading into Ray, with string of AEZ wells; 35K in 1.5 months; t11/10; cum 221K 4/18; cum 261K 12/22;
  • 18062, 795, EOG, Ross 11-27H, Alger, Bakken, 7/10; cum 141K 4/18;  cum 161K 12/22; cum 172K 4/24;
  • 18660, 110, EOG, Sidonia 16-21H, Clear Water, Bakken, 7/10; cum 84K 4/18; cum 99K 12/22; cum 103K 4/24;
  • 18121, 551, EOG, Fertile 17-21H, Parshall, Bakken, t7/10; cum 95K 4/18; cum 108K 4/22; off line; cum 111K 3/24; off line;
  • 19129, 1,680, BR, Aiden 31-13H, Haystack Butte, Bakken, t10/10; cum 282K 4/18; cum 350K 12/22; cum 366K 4/24;
  • 18836, AB/163, CLR, Kelling 2-4H, Jim Creek, Bakken, t10/10; cum 182K 4/18;  cum 225K 10/22; off line;
  • ***18803, 1,066, WPX/Zenergy, Dakota-3 Morsette 35-26H, Spotted Horn, Bakken,  t10/10; cum 477K 4/18; cum 507K 5/21; cum 510K 7/22; cum 511K 12/22; cum 516K 3/24; coming off line 4/24;
  • 19061, 1,215, Whiting/Oasis/Zenergy, Payette 10-15H, Dore/Wildcat, Bakken, near the confluence south of Fort Buford, south of the river, t2/11; cum 214K 4/18; cum 266K 12/22; cum 279K 4/24;
  • 19092, 517, CLR, Neil 1-23H, Upland, Bakken, t10/10; cum 165K 4/18; nice little jump 4/18; cum 187K 5/21; cum 197K 12/22; 205K 4/24;
  • 18929, DRY, EOG, Skipjack 1-30H, Wildcat, Spearfish (wow -- interesting) -- not a Bakken; in the same area as the other Spearfish wells (search Scandia)

Price of Oil: 2-Year High

Link here.

Let's see: global economy continues to improve, including signs of a nascent recovery even in ObamaNation, just when US pretty much stops all off-shore drilling.

Just saying.

Minnesota to North Dakota: Your Coal is Okay. South Dakota: Not.

I'm confused.

This morning I wake up to this story: a new coal-fired power plant near Jamestown, ND, will come on line January 1, 2012.

This power plant will provide electricity to Minnesota.

Wasn't it just a year or so ago that a coal-fired power plant in South Dakota was abandoned because Minnesota courts refused to take electricity generated by coal plants? That link takes you to a court decision; the power plant project was eventually abandoned.

One starts to wonder if judges are watching their investments? Just saying. Just an opinion. Don't take it out of context.

Regardless, Big Stone 2 will go down with all the other projects that were scrapped during the "Lost Decade."

Williston Passes Bismarck in Sales Receipts -- North Dakota, USA

Hmmm, this is surprising. Little ol' Williston, population 12,000, has surpassed the capital of North Dakota, Bismarck, in sales receipts in most recent reporting quarter.

All figures rounded:
  • Fargo: $593 million.
  • Williston: $379 million.
  • Bismarck: $363 million.
  • Minot: $294 million.
  • Grand Forks: $261 million.
Williston's 3Q10 results were up 151 percent over same period in 2009; an increase of more than $228 million.

Fargo, Grand Forks, Bismarck, Minot and Dickinson combined saw an increase of $146.5 million.

A spokesman said the fourth quarter should be even larger when considering oil activity and retail sales from the holiday season.

And then I read stories this past year that there's not enough money in Williston for schools and parks. I don't get it.

Reminder: those are sales receipts, not income for the city. Sales taxes vary but if the average is five (5) percent, that amounts to an increase of about $11 million for the third quarter compared to last year for Williston.