Monday, January 3, 2011

Fallout From the "Lost Decade" -- China Figures It Out -- US Says "No Way"

Fallout (pun intended) from the "Lost Decade":

China figures it out.
Chinese scientists have mastered the technology for reprocessing fuel from nuclear power plants, potentially boosting the supplies of carbon-free electricity to keep the country's economy booming.
The breakthrough will extend by many times the amount of power that can be generated from China's nuclear plants as fissile and fertile materials are recovered to be new fuel.
US scrapped the program under ObamaNation.
U.S. commercial reprocessing of plutonium was halted by then-President Jimmy Carter because of nuclear proliferation worries. Then-President George W. Bush proposed a resumption, but the National Research Council found it not economically justifiable. President Barack Obama scrapped the Bush effort.
So, "we" will keep burning coal and chastising China for using "clean" technology.

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