- Amazon said toilet paper was out of stock but with my order last week I was told it would arrive by the end of month; in fact, that order will arrive in two days (Thursday, March 19, 2020)
- I was worried about formula for the grandsons -- they are being breastfed and supplemented with formula -- same thing -- Amazon said "short delay" -- I got note today the formula would be delivered next week, a week earlier than first told
- Omaha Steaks: any concern about supermarkets running out of beef? There are at least three on-line sites where one can order beef on line;
- bread? The shelves were empty -- but then I remembered. Hey! You can bake your own and with the kids home from school what a great time to teach them;
- Starbucks, McDonalds: what do you know? I can survive without them.
Social distancing:
IRS: previously posted. Wow, what incredibly good news. This was the second of only two years in my entire life that I was going to have trouble coming up with the cash to pay the IRS without dipping into investments (I don't have any savings; I am always fully invested). But the three additional months will make all the difference in the world. Again, I've not seen any IRS notice yet to confirm what I've heard.
UPS: I almost forgot. A reader sent me this link -- "The UPS Dogs -- Facebook." It goes on forever. This might be a better way. There are a few things that have really impressed me over the years: Amazon. UPS. Apple. More recently: Alexa; gullibility of the American public.