Jamestown Sun's perspective on the 500,000 bopd milestone.
Original Post
CRC wrote:Congratulations North Dakota oil industry for going over the half a million barrels a day in production. A big shout out to the rig workers and all who support them, the people working on increasing the takeaway capacity and the independent oil companies that believed in North Dakota's potential and made it happen. May your success continue because our country certainly needs and benefits from what you are doing.And I concur.
Congratulations to all who are working day in/day out to make this happen (and a special thank you to the folks who are working the night shifts in sub-zero North Dakota weather tonight).
A big thank you to the truck drivers and the rough necks. A big thank you to the motel/hotel managers who have gone out of their way to find housing for those in desperate situations -- and you know who you are. (For those who are not aware, when all rooms are filled, and someone desperately needs a place to stay, the night managers get on the phone and start calling around, looking for anything. And in some cases, some night managers will get out a roll-away bed and set it up somewhere in the lobby or one of the halls for folks to have a place to stay. In addition, there are any number of pastors/priests that have found housing -- sometimes just the church basement -- to get someone through the night.)
I don't know what Wal-Mart's policy is, but I know a lot of RVs continue to find a spot to stay in their huge parking lot. Sam Walton would be smiling.
A huge thank you to the city and county commissioners; I don't always agree with them, but I wouldn't want to be in their shoes.
I can't single out everyone, but suffice it to say, I have a lot of respect for all the folks who are making this happen. Thank you.
Link to Carpe Diem on this milestone.