Tuesday, January 10, 2012

November Production: 509,000 BOPD -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

A big thank you to Greg for noticing the new posting.

It appears the November production for North Dakota was 509,000 bopd, a four (4) percent increase over October.


  1. I saw somewhere that North Dakota had surpassed OPEC member Equador in daily production. I wonder if North Dakota could apply for membership in that fine organization :)

  2. I saw that awhile back and my first thought was the administration is probably more aware of what is going on in Ecuador than in North Dakota.

  3. Congratulations North Dakota oil industry for going over the half a million barrels a day in production. A big shout out to the rig workers and all who support them, the people working on increasing the takeaway capacity and the independent oil companies that believed in North Dakota's potential and made it happen. May your success continue because our country certainly needs and benefits from what you are doing.

  4. You beat me to the punch. I need to do that, also.... thank all the workers...


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