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Williston Wire.
New Williston airport could be ready by late 2016
Williston's service population could reach 54,000 by 2017.
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Williston looking to eliminate "crew-camps" in downtown Williston
Helms singles out a McKenzie well as "remarkable": a well northwest of Watford City could likely be the #2-producing well ever drilled in North Dakota. An IP of almost 5,000 bbls of crude and 12 million cubic feet of natural gas in one day, flowing at over 2,000 pounds tubing pressure. [12 million / 6,000 = adds another 2,000 boe.] The well is still on confidential so Helms would not provide more information, not the name of the well. He did say we should start seeing production runs soon.
Rail crude shipments triple in 2012
BNSF explores using liquid natural gas for locomotive fuel (previously posted)