Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Notes From All Over -- Part 3 -- October 7, 2020

First things first: for those that missed it, Bubba Wallace, at Talladega: DNF.

But look at this -- in a huge, huge comprehensive story of the Talladega race, NASCAR does not even mention Bubba Wallace. Link here.
Everyone else is mentioned, but not Bubba. 
If I recall correctly, Bubba was in contention to win the race. He was in the top five at end of regulation (before the race went into "overtime") and I believe he might have even had the lead near the end of regulation or in one of  the early "overtime" sprints. I could be wrong, but that's what I recall. Then he hit the wall and that was the end of that. He may have finished the race, maybe it wasn't a DNF -- but he didn't even get a mention by NASCAR. And again, maybe he's mentioned in the article and I simply missed it. 
Okay, here it is. Considering I was hardly paying attention by this time and considering my memory, I didn't do too badly. Link here.

Early end to NFL season: after Tennessee Titans Covid-19 story, now the New England Patriots have another Covid-19 case following Cam Newton's positive test. Practice canceled for the day.

Shout-out to Amazon: deliveries in the DFW area are back to same-day, one-day, two-day deliveries. Color me very, very impressed. In the school note from her teachers over the weekend, parents were told what the students would be studying this week. In science: magnets. Monday, on Amazon, I ordered an educational magnet set for elementary children -- maybe, it was Sunday -- the set arrived yesterday and the students have not yet started studying magnets.

Covid-19: I think we all agree that Nancy Pelosi is a disaster on so many levels, but that doesn't mean she's not worth listening to: she telegraphs what the Dems are thinking.

I am avoiding political news, business news, like the plague but surfing across the net looking for something, anything, it's hard to avoid everything. In one of those annoying pop-up videos in the lower right hand corner of my screen, I see a shouting (I'm on mute) Nancy Pelosi with a crawler: "Trump unwilling to crush Covid-19." 

One of my recurring themes is that the only historical reference we have to Covid-19 is the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918: it lasted two years; infected a third of the world's population; less deadly per capita than Covid-19 (?); four waves; no vaccine; market recovery took five years. I am unaware there was a concerted effort by governments to "flatten the curve" in 1918. 

I think the Democrats are finally getting it. Nancy Pelosi is telegraphing it. Blaming Trump for not "crushing" Covid-19. That's not unusual -- blaming Trump for this -- they blame Trump for everything. This is the message being telegraphed, and I think it's her husband telling her: the tea leaves suggest Covid-19 is not going to go away any time soon. Mainstream media did too good a job carrying the opposition party's water with regard to scaring Americans about Chinese flu.

Politics: biggest mistake by the Trump administration. Waiting too long to declassify "Russian collusion hoax" papers. Should have done that two years ago. Except for "honest" historians, this story no longer matters, won't go anywhere, and mainstream media will bury it.

Hollywood: has anyone asked the question -- how is Hollywood able to continue to film new episodes of every television show when everyone is supposed to be wearing masks. 

Unless a commercial is a "Covid-19" commercial, even the commercials don't show anyone wearing masks. But watch the reality shows, the singing competition shows, the dance competition shows, the new sitcom episodes, the new drama show episodes, anyone wearing masks? 

Speaking of which: you know those cardboard cutouts in the stands at professional sports? Why aren't they wearing masks? And check out the diversity factor in those cardboard cutouts. Pretty vanilla white to me. I'm watching the LA Dodgers - San Diego Padre replay and right behind home plate: men, women, young, and all white. Cardboard cutouts.

From twitter early this morning:

  • Wells Fargo eliminates 700 positions in commercial banking;
  • Kuwait has a new crown prince. Age? 83 years young; are you kidding me?
  • Equinor in a world of hurt: pandemic-associated costs leading to cost over-runs; now the strike;
  • whatever happened to RBG? funeral; eulogies; haven't seen a thing; how quickly they forget;

Most annoying commercial on television: Shepard Smith. Man, he's annoying. Ratings: mixed. Apparently he had one of the lowest-rated shows on Fox but was averaging 1.2 million viewers. On CNBC, opening night, right after the first presidential debate, averaged a dismal 340,000 viewers, for the first full week. That's not good.


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