Saturday, September 28, 2019

Urban Life -- Why It's Impossible To Compete With Amazon -- September 24, 2019

Follow-up: the compact fluorescent lights, a set of four, arrived today, from, less than two days after they were ordered, and in perfect condition. Color me impressed.

Original Note

A bulb burned out in our 1,000-square-foot hovel. When I removed the lighting fixture, it turned out to be one of the LED bulbs that the utility companies were pushing down our throats ten years ago, or whenever it was. [Later: see first comment. This is not an LED. It's a CFL. How come I didn't know that?]

I grabbed the bulb and rode my bicycle down to Lowe's earlier this evening. No luck. They didn't have the bulb. On the way home I stopped at a Super Target. [For some reason, I now always associate Target stores with Ill-Hand Omar but that's another story for another time.]

Back to the bulb. Back to Target. Same story. They did not have the funky bulb either. Both Target and Lowe's were well stocked with the standard screw-in bulbs, but none of the bulbs as shown above.

I rode my bike home, got on, and within ten seconds found the bulb. I ordered a pack of four, and it didn't cost a penny -- "cash back" on the Amazon Visa card paid for everything. The bulb will be here Monday, in two days.

College Football

This is why I don't watch college football any more. Scores from today according to a google search:

2 Alabama: 59
Mississippi: 31

Florida: 38
Towson: 0  (never heard of it; it's in Maryland)

22 UCF: 49
Connecticut: 0

7 Auburn: 42
MS State: 9
third quarter

5 Ohio State: 38
Nebraska: 0

20 Michigan: 52
Rutgers: 0

6 Oklahoma: 55
Texas Tech: 16

I guess there was one good game:
1 Clemson: 21
North Carolina: 20
CIA -- Secret Agent Man

Secret Agent Man, Johnny Rivers

Talk about perfect lyrics:
leads a life of danger
he stays a stranger
odds are he won't live to see tomorrow
they've given you a number and taken 'way your name
you let the wrong words slip
while kissing persuasive lips
the odds are you won't live to see tomorrow
My college roommate's favorite guitarist/singer.


  1. this is a compact fluorescent light not a led lamp

    1. No wonder I couldn't find it in Lowe's or Target. I was looking in all the wrong places. LOL.

    2. That also explains the initials, CFL. I was wondering what that stood for.


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