Saturday, March 29, 2014

This Is The Cat's Meow: Royalties Within Reach: A Handbook For Mineral Rights Owners

I own no mineral rights.

I did not order this book and I did not pay for it.

I heard about it from the author some months ago, and sight unseen, I posted a link for readers if they wanted to buy a copy.

I have now downloaded a copy that the author sent me. I am completely blown away. First impressions: this is an incredible book.

I have just gone through the April, 2014, NDIC hearing dockets, and managing your own mineral rights is clearly not something for the uninformed. Anyone who "has one well" in the Bakken will have four wells for sure before it's over, probably eight, maybe 12, and possibly as many as 32. Or more.

Anyone with one well needs professional help. And before one starts working with a professional, I would highly recommend knowing what to ask, what to look for. This handbook may be the best out there. I would not know. I don't review mineral owners' handbooks, but this looks like the real deal.

I will post several times throughout the weekend on this book.

Again, I have no hidden agenda; I have no financial relationship with the author. I have never met him/her (to the best of my knowledge; I have spoken with landmen in the Bakken, and did not collect business cards, and my memory is such I would not remember with whom I spoke).

Early on when I posted the link to this book, someone was concerned that the author's name was not provided. I addressed that. I hope the author does not identify himself.

This is from the book, from the author:
I’ve worked as a landman in the Williston Basin for more than seven years. I have daily interaction with mineral owners like you and understand your concerns and questions. I decided to write this book as a platform to educate mineral owners on how to be their own advocate.
Oil companies frequently make mistakes when calculating royalties. Many of these
companies are short-staffed and often operate wells in which dozens, and in some
cases hundreds, of individuals are owed royalties from a single producing well.
This book is one-of-a-kind; you won’t find a similar resource on In fact, if
you do a google search for “mineral rights,” nearly every hit is a website for a company
seeking to purchase mineral rights from uninformed owners. Purchasing this book is an
important first step in ensuring you have the knowledge and resources to understand
and protect your rights.
Be your own advocate. Maximize the minerals you are fortunate to own!
I will be writing more on this handbook as I go through it; I only downloaded it earlier this morning.

Again, I have no hidden agenda. I have no direct financial interests in the Bakken, and the only reason I qualify that statement with "direct" is because I accumulate shares in publicly traded companies that operate in the Bakken.

The link to the book is at the sidebar at the right.

This is an eBook. It is the first non-iBook eBook that I have ever downloaded. I have never downloaded an eBook from It is incredibly easy. It downloaded in a few seconds; I don't know how long it took because I was doing something else on the blog while it was downloading.

I can't recall for sure, but I think the author says he/she will be offering this book in print edition, also.


  1. I went to the link to purchase this book and put in my PayPal information for a purchase via American Express. I did not receive any type of confirmation of the order. I also went to their link and sent an email asking about what I should expect in getting their ebook and this email address bounced back.

    Have you had anyone contact you who actually bought the book? To the other reader's comments, there is no information on who the author is. Could this be a scam?

    You do a really fabulous job with your blog and I would not want you to be caught up in a questionable situation.

    1. I hope it's not a scam. I sent your comment to the author directly to his e-mail address. Hopefully this can be sorted out quickly.

      If worse comes to worse, and if it's okay with the author, I can always send you a copy of the book. My hunch is the author will make it right with you.

    2. The author writes to tell me there was a problem with the link. The author tells me it's been corrected. I've put the link back up. Thank you for letting the author know.

  2. For those of us without ereaders, when will a print form of the book be coming out?

    1. Great question. I've sent an inquiry to the "Contact" address at the link:

      .. to see when a paperback edition might be available.


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