Friday, February 3, 2012

Melissa Francis, formerly CNBC Host, Now With Fox Business

I sure hope Fox Business can out-fox CNBC.

Link here for biography. Andrew Ross Sorkin -- if I have the name correct -- is more about promoting his books and talking politics than business.


  1. It sucks when the Faux media/bloggers do that...

    1. Yes, it was fortunate that someone sent me a very, very nasty note (too nasty to print) but it prompted me to find the source of the hoax. At least it appears to be a hoax; it will be a hoot if it actually was real. But I don't think it was. Regardless, it said what a lot of folks thought.

      By the way, the reason I am not upset (like I normally would be) is that the February dockets are out and I'm transcribing them now. You should look at the initial cases (Hess cases).


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