Friday, February 3, 2012

Week 5: January 29, 2012 -- February 4, 2012

Highlights of the February dockets

MonDak Motorsports moves from Sidney to Williston

OXY USA to re-deploy some rigs out of the Williston Basin

Chesapeake to leave the Dickinson area; may leave the Williston Basin

ND active drilling rig number hits record: 205

A monster well -- 160,000 bbls in four months -- CLR's Whitman 2-34H

Dickinson building permits -- a new record, second year in a row

Williams County Commission with another big well

CCS gets permit to build waste treatment facility near White Earth

Bridger Pipeline commissioned -- New Town, ND, to Baker, MT

No warming in last 15 years

$700 million to improve Williston waste water plant

New man-camp in Williston


  1. That will be some waste water improvement!

  2. Greetings Bruce,

    Interesting BP article on US energy independence by 2030 from offshore sourcs. Interesting numbers relative to China, India, and Europe getting deeper into exports.

    Best regards,

    CW2 Boise

    1. Thank you for sending this in. I think I referenced the study, that the US could be energy independent by 2030 -- the study by BP -- but this article is much more expansive. I will do a stand-alone.

      I love how it starts out: Oil and gas company BP recently released its annual Energy Outlook and many of its projections should be viewed with concern.

      "Should be viewed with concern." When I read that, the first thing I did was look to see who wrote it. Hard to tell. Comes from Yahoo news, I guess. WSJ editors would have said the report comes with lots of opportunities.


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