Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Notes From All Over -- Portland, OR, Edition -- June 23, 2021

Days supply: 28.7. 

Link here

Just a couple of days ago we noted the number of days of crude oil supply in the US dropped below 30 days during the second week of June, 2021. Today, it is noted that the days of supply has dropped again. 

For the third day, US crude oil supplies are now at 28.7 days.

Majors Feeling The Heat?

BP to stick with oil and gas for decades, according to the CEO. 

Link here

Apparently with the rally in oil prices and "fossil fuel shareholders" jumping ship, the CEO is starting to re-think some of the earlier ESG comments.

Wasn't BP going to go all green just last year. Things certainly suggest there's a bit of anxiety about going all green with the news coming out of China, out of the US, out of Europe. 

Maybe some folks are starting to think this through.

Covid Virus?

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