Friday, November 15, 2019

Such False Precision And Graphs That St Greta Would Not Understand -- November 15, 2019

Do the world's energy policies make sense? Zerohedge, November 15, 2019.  Lots of great graphs, none of which St Greta would understand.

Atmospheric CO2

Link here.

Current, 2019:
One year ago, 2018:

2.53 / 1,000,000 = 0.000253%. FWIW.


  1. Get your gas mask we are going to die. BTW Hawaii is downwind from China the worlds largest producer of carbon, and most upper wind patterns flow west to east. Hong Kong is 180nm north of the latitude Mauna Loa sits at and Shanghai another major Chinese manufacturing area is about 720nm north of Mauna Loa's latitude. Surly Pacific weather systems (wind, pressure and temp) could have an effect on these Atmospheric CO2 numbers. But 2.53 parts out of a million, Not worth mentioning. Bruce I know I'm not talking to you. FYI Greta is now sailing across the Atlantic in a 48' catamaran with a family she did not know.

    1. LOL. That is true .... she is sailing to the UN Climate Conference. She will probably help write the rules on what the US needs to do to leave the Paris Protocol.

      Link here: But the story is everywhere, easily found.


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