Sunday, June 2, 2019

Global Warming -- The Grand Solar Minimum -- June 2, 2019

Grand Solar Minimum (GSM) will be tracked here.   
The best blog on this subject came to an end in 2020 due to the death of the webmaster/author -- the URL at the time:  There is a website called the grand solar minimum which in the interim will be the one I link here. I don't care for it but it's the "best" I can find right now.

May 2, 2021: the winter of 2020 / 2021 is one for the record books, and arrived on schedule and as predicted. 

In this winter of 2020-2021, new record cold temperatures have been experienced all over the world, in January 2021 in Asia and in February 2021 in North America, Europe, the Mediterranean countries and the Middle East. I correctly predicted this cold winter in August 2020.

May 25, 2020: from a reader --

Quick follow-up to [your blog of May 25, 2020 discussing the] increasing amounts of precipitation - and cooler weather - throughout much of the USA (the world, probably, but the LSM - Lamestream Media - will certainly bury this information). 

One consequence of lowered solar radiation (one manifestation of which is sunspot activity), is the enabling of the ever-present cosmic radiation to reach earth in larger amounts.

A proven effect of the increased cosmic radiation is cloud formation. 
Two immediate consequences of more cloud cover are lowered temperatures (via blockage of sunlight) and increase in precipitation (rain/snow  depending upon temps).
[Comment: I've always been taught that cloud cover increases earth's temperature.]

These developments are becoming FAR more pronounced and increasingly difficult to hide/(mis)explain away. 
The peak (highest solar radiation) this cycle should be about 2025, but it is apt to be very low - historically - as it is VERY low right now (the trough).

The years 2028 through 2032 look to be especially daunting as those will be the trough years - solar radiation-wise - of the next 11 year solar cycle ... the so called Grand Solar Minimum which last occurred 400 years ago coincident with the Maunder Minimum.

Methinks the top tier Movers and Shakers of the Globull Warming Scam know all this and have dramatically 'upped their push' to kneecap (western) hydrocarbon industries.
Original Post
One of the biggest "spin-offs" from the blog for me has been understanding the impact of the solar cycles. Prior to blogging I never followed solar cycles and had never even heard of "solar maxima" or "solar minima" (as far as I can recall).

I started adding "global warming" posts to the blog to help put the Bakken in perspective. It is amazing how the two issues became quite intertwined over the years. I certainly did not expect that.

That was my reply to a reader who wrote:
A year or so back, I became somewhat acquainted with Dr. Valentina Zharkova's theories concerning the multiple, asynchronous dynamo components internal to the sun.

Big consequence of her findings is that the sun is entering a Grand Solar Minimum, which will rapidly, significantly impact the earth's climate to the downside temperwture-wise.
With a historical accuracy rate at the 93% range going back 400 years, Dr Zharkova is now being taken very seriously by a growing cohort of scientists. 

Should her research and models prove to be correct, the ramifications upon our political, social and economic spheres will simply be beyond description.
Imagine that: the sun affecting the earth's climate.

Germany And Wind

Three data points:
  • Germany has huge investment in renewable energy
  • Germany will boast both wind and solar energy, but clearly wind is the more dominant of the two in Germany (that will be true in most parts of the world)
  • where renewable energy makes the most sense for Germany (wind), Germany is actually taking some steps back
This link is from a renewable energy site -- a site that promotes renewable energy and, if anything, "exaggerates" the impact of renewable energy.

The link.

So, it was surprising to see this headline:

When Joshua says "significantly" it catches one's attention, considering what a global warming zealot the writer is.

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