Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Largest-Ever Fertilizer Plant Has Final Approval; Construction Must Start Within 18 Months

The Jamestown Sun is reporting:
The North Dakota Department of Health issued an air pollution control permit to construct for the proposed CHS nitrogen fertilizer plant at Spiritwood on June 20.
the permit covers construction and operation of the plant but requires construction to begin within 18 months.
The proposed plant would utilize natural gas produced in western North Dakota to produce nitrogen fertilizer. The original cost estimates for the plant totaled about $1.2 billion but have increased to nearly $2 billion. The project would be the largest ever constructed in North Dakota, if built.

Looks like an opportunity for a poll. 



  2. You probably have posted this in the past, but there is a 1.5 billion plant planned for Grand Forks as well. Not sure where they are at with their permitting or investors. I imagine with the fertile Red River Valley and all of the sugar beet producers, a plant at the north and south end would be good for the farmers.

    1. Thank you. I had forgotten that if I ever knew about it. I can't keep track of all the activity. A big "thank you.


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