Thursday, December 13, 2012

Miscellaneous: Medical School Cost. Beekeeping. Nothing To Do With The Bakken

This says it all. The headline:  Buffett, Soros Join List of Billionaires Calling for Tax Hikes They Won’t Pay. Masters of public relations. Grifters.


Ahead of the ObamaCliff: David Geffen is donating $100 million for 30 UCLA medical scholarships -- unprecedented gift, spokesman.
More than 30 incoming medical school students will get a full ride to UCLA's David Geffen School of Medicine thanks to a $100-million gift from the school's benefactor.
My calculator must be broken; maybe someone can calculate how much it costs to go to UCLA medical school based on the data provided at the link.

By the way, the US Department of Defense provides full medical scholarships, also. When I last checked the applications outnumbered available scholarships. Full scholarship for four years of payback, I believe, although that may have changed. One of the best deals in the US. What a great country.


On another note: wow, it's a gorgeous day in the Boston area. A bit cool, but sunny, no wind. Absolutely perfect for an early-morning bike ride.

I continue to read the best book I've ever read on beekeeping: A Book of Bees, by Sue Hubbell, c. 1988. I'm about two-thirds of the way through, and then this (what a great way to wake up to a beautiful Boston morning):
"... in a typical commercial operation in other parts of the country beekeepers will move colonies from, say Florida, where they have worked citrus flowers, to Ohio for spring dandelion blossoms and then on to the Dakotas, which is one of the best honey-producing sections of the country because of its long summer days and ample bloom of clover, alfalfa, and native plants."


  1. Imagine if we did this for other aspects of our society. We could get doctors in lower income and rural areas and provide inexpensive care. It would probably end up saving the taxpayer more money in the long run.

    1. In fact, that doesn't happen. Physicians do not return to lower income/rural areas even with full scholarships paid by the rural states. This has been studied and reported often. Physicians will fulfill their contracts (in most cases) by practicing in the rural locale that offered them a scholarship for the required time, but will move back to larger urban areas as soon as possible. There are exceptions. Unless David Geffen attaches 20-year commitments for scholarship physicians to practice in Watford City, it isn't going to happen.

      Most of these physicians, by the way, will become specialists (i.e. colon surgeons, for example) and not family practice physicians which the rural areas need. My hunch is Watford City does not need a colon surgeon.

      ObamaCare will solve this problem.


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