Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fifteen (15) New Permits -- The Bakken, North Dakota, USA

The record of new permits in one day (during the time of this blog) is 18 permits.

Daily activity report, January 4, 2011 --

Operators: Samson Resources (2), Helis (2), North Plains (2), CLR (2),  Hess (2), BR (2), OXY USA, Petro Harvester, Newfield

Fields: Clear Creek, North Tioga, Crooked Creek, Robinson Lake, Stoneview, Truax, Fillmore, Croff, Grail, South Coteau

XTO reported two wells plugged or producing; Zenergy, Baytex, Whiting, and GMX Resources each reported one well plugged or producing (and in the Bakken, they are all producing)

Two wells on DRL status were completed and reported IPs; nothing of significance.

One well was released from "tight hole" status (BR) but was not completed.


  1. Worth reading in full. Rigs.

    anon 1

  2. Yes, several data points worth commenting on. I re-posted as a stand-alone so I could comment on it.


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