Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Stop Reading This Blog! Go Directly to Linked Site!

Everyone needs to visit this post today. Go directly to the link; don't pass go; don't collect $200.

Incredible story; I would love to hear more.

Two favorites lines from the link:
Michael Bromwich, head of the revamped minerals management service in the Dept. of Interior, came to make a lunch speech about how the Obama Administration is really, really, double-pinkie-swear, pro-offshore drilling. He was not well received.

A couple of impressions come to mind. You could take every "green tech" expo and trade show in the country, with all of their solar-powered toasters and wind-driven dairy cow milking machines, and they'd all fit in a tiny corner of the exhibit hall here. If you want to see where the cutting edge of innovation and investment in energy (most of it totally unsubsidized) is taking place it is in oil and gas.


  1. Total Rigs: 178

  2. That's incredible!

    I was out and about all day and did not check into the news until just now.

    Wasn't the rig count 173 just yesterday? Yes, it was. Up five in one day. I will have to take your word for it; it's back to 177 right now.

    Thank you. I am impressed.


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