Thursday, August 18, 2022

Gasoline Demand Is So High, Pipelines Are Full --- And Yet, EIA Tells US Gasoline Demand Is At Levels Seen During The Winter -- August 18, 2022


  1. All the data has been cooked

    1. The EIA data is "accurate." It has to do with "what is" being measured by the EIA. What bothers me is that the EIA knows this and fails to explain the methodology.

    2. I think the market is saying that gasoline demand is down. I notice that drivers are slowing down similar to when prices shot up in year 2008. Another factor is plug in hybrid and electric power cars. A friend of the family traded his late model Camaro in for the Toyota RAV4, gasoline cost went from $78/ week to $4 a week commuting to work. The RAV4 will go about 3 miles/KWH of electric usage. Even my lead footed brother-in-law now drives to get better mileage.

      I wonder how accurate GasBuddy is, no mandate for every gas station to report.

    3. That's what the EIA is saying -- gasoline demand is down. Peak of US drivnig season (summer) and Americans are using less gasoline than last winter. I saw that on my trip from north DFW to Flathead Lake via Denver and then on to Portland, and the highways were empty. What few cars I saw were all EVs.


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