Thursday, March 10, 2022

So, How Bad Was It? February's CPI, Other Economic Data -- March 10, 2022

Headlines from CNBC online (I've quit watching it on television):

  • CPI: inflation rose 7.9% in February as food and energy costs push prices to highest in more than 40 years;
    • excluding food and energy, core inflation rose 6.4%; in line with expections
    • highest since 1982; in 1982 the USAF was telling me I would be moving from northern California to North Dakota
    • the assignments officer thought he was sending me on a hardship tour; I was headed home after being gone for ten years
    • headed back to God's country; the only choice the assignments office gave me: Grand Forks or Minot. Even I knew that was an easy choice.
  • look at this wage inflation: inflation-adjusted, workers paychecks fell 0.8% in February, contributing to a 2.6% decline over the past year
  • not only are wages not keep up with inflation, it appears wages would hardly be keeping up in a non-inflationary world
  • investors lapping non-investors
  • Dow futures fall 400 points after talks between Russia and Ukraine falter

Biggest decision today: with Dow futures falling 400 points, should I buy on margin today? I will have the cash by Monday next week. And it won't be a trivial amount. Decisions, decisions.

Back to Linda Ronstadt, Blondie, and ABBA

Wow, this is good. "My Back Pages."

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