Wednesday, January 1, 2014

QEP, SM Energy to Report Nice Wells Tomorrow -- Wells Coming Off Confidential List Thursday

Wells coming off the confidential list:
  • 21677, 854, OXY USA, Brew 2-13-12H-143-96, t7/13; cum 52K 11/13;
  • 23408, 43 (no typo), Hunt, Scorio 1-13-24H, t8/13; cum 20K 11/13;
  • 25059, drl, Hess, BB-Chapin 151-95-0506H-4, Blue Buttes,
  • 25139, 1,319, Whiting, Tifft 21-18-2H, Pleasant Hill, t7/13; cum 40K 11/13;
  • 25184, drl, Slawson, River Rat Federal 7-23-14TFH, Four Bears,
  • 25508, drl, BR, CCU Powell 41-29TFH, Corral Creek, 
  • 24691, 291, Baytex, Marcella 36-25-162-98H-2XD, Whiteaker, t8/13; cum 20K 10/13;
  • 25002, drl, SM Energy, Annie 12X-18HA, Poe,
  • 25425, drl, Hess, EN-Nelson 155-94-3328H-2, Alkali Creek, no production data,
  • 25480, drl, CLR, Malcolm 4-20H1, Sauk, no production data,
  • 25567, 2,307, QEP, Dodge 4-6-7BH, Grail, t11/13; cum 12K 11/13;
  • 25572, 2,350, Statoil, Holm 9-4 6H, Alger, t11/13; cum 5K 10/13;
  • 25658, 1,732, QEP, Ernie 4-2-11BH, Grail, t10/13; cum 27 11/13;
  • 25659, 2,191, QEP, Ernie 3-2-11BH, Grail, t10/13; cum 24K 11/13;

25002, see above, SM Energy, Annie 12X-18HA, Poe

DateOil RunsMCF Sold

25658, see above, QEP, Ernie 4-2-11BH, Grail:

DateOil RunsMCF Sold

A Note to the Granddaughters
Talent On Loan From God

Norah Jones and Billie Joe Armstrong, Foreverly

I wasn't thinking of this album when I wrote the "talent on loan from God" -- stolen from Rush Limbaugh.

I thought of "talent on loan from God" while reading the last few pages of the David Shields and Shane Salerno biography of J. D. Salinger. It's the only Salinger biography I've read and I'm pretty sure it's the only Salinger biography I will ever need to read. This one is quite excellent.

It is interesting to look at the Amazon reviews. There are about 100 reviews, to date, with 26 giving the book "5 stars" and 25 giving the book "1 star" and then everything in between. It is obvious that the majority of amateur reviewers have taken sides, having read the book or not: those who think Salinger was God, those who thought he was a nutcase after WWII, and those, like me, who never knew his story until this book. It was my understanding he was a recluse. Salinger gave the word "recluse" a new meaning and raised it to an art level.

I think I've blogged about this before. I can't remember. I can't recall reading Catcher in the Rye in high school or at any time prior to 2011. Then in 2011, or thereabouts, maybe it was earlier, when visiting family in Portland, Oregon, our younger daughter, knowing that I had an aggressive reading program, gave me her copy of Catcher.

I really enjoyed Catcher but thought I would only read it that once. Having read the biography, it's obvious I need to read Catcher again. I missed a lot.

The biography, the novel, the comments regarding Salinger -- my first thought -- talent on loan from God. Salinger was neurotic, probably not psychotic, but for laymen, it's probably all the same. But that's okay.

Global Warming Intensifies

I love it! Drudge Report has this as the headline: "Global warming intensifies" with a thermometer resting at minus 40 degrees. I don't know if folks know this but minus 40 Celsius is the same as minus 40 Fahrenheit.

CBSNews is reporting:
The recent surge of arctic air in Wisconsin has led to record-breaking low temperatures in places like Owen, a Clark County town that hit minus 31 degrees this week. A La Crosse Tribune report says records were tied or broken in about half a dozen cities in the region.  
The La Crosse airport hit a low of minus 17 degrees. That tied a record set in 1976. Friendship also tied a record with temperatures of minus 22.
Owen got down to minus 31 degrees, two degrees colder than the previous record set in 1963.
The CBC is reporting:
In terms of astonishing weather facts, it doesn't get much more impressive than being as cold as a distant planet for a day.

The Manitoba Museum is reporting Winnipeg's temperatures on Tuesday were actually as cold as the surface of Mars.
According to the Curiosity Rover, Mars reached a maximum temperature of -29 C on Tuesday, a temperature Winnipeg only reached shortly before 3 p.m.
This December’s average temperature so far is close to –21 C. That is only about the fifth coldest ever.

Little Drummer Boy, Pentatonix


  1. Great DrummerBoy "Peter Hollens" on youtube, I am almost certain you will like.
    .......I use to be a ditto head when I was in my early 20's....despise the hack now.....I thought O'Reilly was a better fit for me....then couldn't stand him......then the interaction between O'Reilly and Jon Stewart made it possible to just disagree with him and not dislike him...Still hate Coulter and most of the Fox hacks.....I'm just too damn old to tolerate partisan hacks anymore..we don't live in a black and white world as much as I wish it were... Only politician I like is Ron Paul...anyway...
    ........if you listen to only one Hollens song, I think "Somebody that I used to know" shows off his vocal chops.

    1. I can't remember if I was ever a "ditto head" (Rush Limbaugh fanatic), but I do know that I tire of him easily these days; at one time I could listen to him every day. Now I tune in when driving cross country to see what the theme of the day is, but generally do not listen very long. (My wife wouldn't let me if she were in the car.) However, having said that, he may be the best political analyst out there. I hate his disingenuous ways of selling his products. I never listen to his stand-ins.

      I cannot stand Sean Hannity. He's a lightweight compared to Rush Limbaugh. He is also fascinated by sexual scandals and sex talk.

      Coulter: never listen to her. Would turn the channel if she came on (but I don't watch television any more).

      O'Reilly: never liked him. I might have liked him early on -- "no spin zone." But he didn't hold true to the tagline -- lots of spin.

      I don't think I've ever listened to a speech by Ron Paul; couldn't recognize him if he was in a lineup -- unless the lineup included Bob Dylan and the rest of the Traveling Wilburys.

      I prefer a) rule of law; b) level playing fields; c) civil discourse; and d) pecan pie.

      Thank you for the musical selections.


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