Tuesday, March 19, 2013

From The Mailbag -- Heath Formation in Eastern Montana Frustrating Drillers

A reminder: January production for the top 47-producing wells in January, 2013, has been posted.

From the mailbag:

I received this as a comment from a reader. For easier access, here is the comment (I embedded some of my data to make it easier to access):
Nothing to do with this post directly, but there was an article on the Bismarck Tribune's website yesterday.

Titled "Shale Formation in Montana Frustrates Oil Drillers."

On a somewhat related note, but a different formation:
Note Hamm's comment about Montana Bakken:

On March 6, Harold Hamm, chief executive of Continental Resources, the biggest player in the Bakken, told Hauptman he was running into drilling issues exploring the western edges of the Montana Bakken.

“We’re not blessed with the great big pool of Bakken oil,” which is centered in western North Dakota, Hauptman said of his telephone conversation with Hamm.
MDU says it is pulling its one rig out of eastern Montana. This is the company that completely missed the North Dakota Bakken, and let a company from Oklahoma (CLR) get the headlines. 


  1. Bruce,

    The way I read the article: it is the the HEATH formation that is not equal to the Bakken, even if CLR is having issues with the Montana Bakken.

    1. You are correct; I am wrong. I have changed "Bakken" to "Heath" in the subject line, and pointed out that Mr Hamm was referring to the Bakken (which he did in his comment, but easily missed since it was in the same story).

      Thank you very much for correcting me.


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