Saturday, June 2, 2012

Seven Huge Walking Rigs Headed to the Bakken

A huge "thank you" to CRC for this link: San Antonio-based company building ten walking rigs to accommodate pad drilling; seven of those ten rigs will be going to the Bakken.

Data points:
  • seven rigs headed for the Bakken
  • two rigs for the Marcellus
  • one rigs to the company's backyard, the Eagle Ford
  • 1,500 hp rigs with 2,000 hp mud pumps
  • with the additional delivery, Pioneer will operate 16 drilling rigs in the Bakken
  • walking rigs preferred to skidding
When the Eagle Ford is in their backyard, and they still plan to send 70% of their new rigs to the Bakken it tells me that the Bakken is well into the mining stage, as they call it. I assume you all noticed in the June dockets that Hess would be drilling up to 9 wells in their spacing units


  1. Pad drilling yields cost saving , I wonder if the walking rig affects drilling/completion costs compared to skidding the rig? There seems to be a big emphasis on cost reduction techniques particularly in light of oil price drop.

  2. CLR is setting up a bunch of 2560 acre drilling units. Emphasis will soon chang to drilling ecopads what I heard.

    1. You are correct.

      Go to the May, 2012, hearing dockets and look at all the CLR 2560-acre spacing units:

      In fact, I will post a summary of them. Thank you for taking time to comment.


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