Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 22: First Class Postage Up One Penny -- Buy Your "Forever" Stamps Before Sunday

Memo to self: buy a book of stamps for the rest of 2012.

Link here.


  1. Thanks for the info, I didn't know the date. Guess my news outlet doesn't find this news-worthy. They should curtail all their ads for shipping packages and maybe they could save some cash. Also, "a penny?", just raise it to 50¢ and get it over with.
    Now I have to decide whether to invest in 10 books, to save $2.00 over the year, or take the 88 bucks and stock pile food...decisions, decisions:)

  2. I found it relatively difficult, also, to find the date. I guess they really don't want to advertise when rates go up.

    I agree with you regarding 50 cents; but that's a huge milestone, isn't it? Two letters for a buck. It's sort of like stores pricing things at $9.99 because it doesn't hit the $10 threshold. One has to wonder if the 50-cent threshold will result in even fewer first-class letters going out. Economics 101 has a nice price-demand curve, if I remember correctly.


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