Monday, February 17, 2025

Investing -- February 17, 2025

Locator: 48574INVESTING.

Investing: for the past year (or so) we've been told the market is "expensive." Now, link here:

Warren Buffett: marching to a different drummer, link here.

The Book Page

I now try very hard to accomplish the following each day:

  • Duolingo, Spanish, 15 minutes
  • one hour of reading literature, taking notes
  • one hour of updating my literature blog

I find that the best reading is between 11:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m.

I have "Canterbury Cathedral" evensong on in the background -- probably the most relaxing way to end the day.

I no longer read any news after 7:00 p.m. -- except when I get into bed and check out the news and social media until I fall asleep. 

With regard to politics (i.e., Trump), it's my feeling many folks are misreading what is happening. Journalists are tracking the number of ties the Trump train has crossed, when in fact, the big story is that we are on a completely different train now -- if the Biden train was a local milk-run affair, the Trump train is a bullet train.

It will be interesting if any of the grandchildren ever read my "literature" blog but, of course, I will be dead by then, and will never know. 

I ordered Who Really Wrote the Bible? The Story of the Scribes, William M Schiedewind, c. 2024. Link here. It will arrive Wednesday. 

The First Episode of SNL

Available on YouTube now.

Absolutely amazing. It's almost as if it were filmed two days ago. 

Time capsule. 

Some things work; some things don't.

1975: I was 24 years old, still in school, in the middle of my coming-of-age years. What I would give to re-live some of those days. Or not.

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