Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Book Page -- August 18, 2024

Locator: 48453BOOKS.

New books on the shelf in the past 48 hours or so:

  • A Plausible Man: The True Story of the Escaped Slave Who Inspired Uncle Tom's Cabin, Susanna Ashton, c. 2024. Clemson University. Fascinating. Really, really good.
  • The American History: Conversations With Master Historians, David M. Rubenstein, c. 2019. This is going to be a really, really good read. 
  • Tin to Table: Fancy, Snacky Recipes For Tin-Thusiasts And A-Fish-Ionados, Anna Hezel, c. 2023. A gimmicky book; will look nice on the recipe shelf, but that's about it.
  • Art and War in the Renaissance: The Battle of Pavia Tapestries, editor, Carmine Romano, c. 2024, catalogue, coffee-table book to accompany the first-ever showing of the seven tapestries all at one time except for their permanent home in Italy; currently showing at Kimbell Art Museum, Ft Worth, TX. Really, really nice addition to our coffee-table art books.

Current list of books for my summer-reading program, 2024: link here.

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