Sunday, August 4, 2024

AI -- A Rambling Thought -- August 4, 2024

Locator: 48323AI.

I'll come back to this later, but there are now two schools of thought with regard to AI.

  • AI: all hype and headed for a big fall.
  • AI: bigger than any of us can imagine.

I'm not talking about investing, I'm talking about the revolution.

I'm in the second group: AI will be bigger than any of us can imagine.  

With regard to bubbles, I get a kick out of folks suggesting that AI is a bubble.

You want to know the real bubble the past ten year? Renewable energy. Unfortunately that's mandated and "renewable energy" is a fake "endeavor."

The real bubble? EVs. 

Name one successful EV company or one successful EV enterprise, excepting perhaps, Tesla. We'll come back to that later.

Rivian might be the most successful independent EV company:

EVs among major automobile companies?

  • we all know the story of F;
  • VW now getting ready to shut down its EV manufacturing site in Belgium

The dot-com bubble: link to wiki.

  • from my perspective, 90% of the dot-com bubble was related to websites, not serious manufacturing or serious products
  • the number of "fake-companies" increased exponentially over a finite and short number of months during the dot-com bubble
  • by this time, had the AI revolution been like the dot-com bubble, the AI phenomenon would have seen a growing number of companies in the AI sector; in fact, one can almost number the "real" AI companies (US) on the fingers of two hands, and the amount of money required suggests not (m)any more significant players likely to appear on the scene
  • know what's incredibly scary? 95% of all chips made in the world are made in Taiwan; now that's scary
  • quick: name three chip manufacturing companies;
  • quick: name ten chip designing companies:
  • quick: name the top ten companies buying as many chips as they can

during the dot-com bubble, anyone with a degree from Harvard and a gift of gab could raise huge amount of money for a website

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