Saturday, July 6, 2024

Article Of The Day -- Barron's Reflects On The Future Of The Magnficent Seven -- July 6, 2024

Locator: 48062TECH.


July 7, 2024: in the original post below, I note the "double-moat." Someone is reading the blog. Story today about the "human resources" moat, link here.

Original Post

Link here

It's an interesting "opinion" but that's about all. 

The example that the author uses are industries that had been around one hundred years: autos and railroads.

The two paragraphs that caught my attention and seemed to undermine the author's argument the most:

It's an interesting essay, but in the end:

  • it's fluff,
  • not actionable, and,
  • provides no "what's next."

Considering the double-moated magnificent seven, it seems it will require something extraordinary to change the trajectories of the "Mag 7" over the next twenty years.

The double-moat:

  • resources (market cap, cash hoard, the best and the brightest work force)
  • technology (it's one thing to build a '57 Chevy; it's quite another thing to build a 3D-stacked 2-nm chip)

Most of the dot-com companies that imploded had neither -- neither cash nor technology. Most dot-com companies were webpages. Once the dot-com webpages started to fail, they took the entire internet-associated tech companies down with them. 

 By the way, if I can find it again, someone else in social media has made a similar observation. I'll see if I can find it. No, it looks like I can't; lost forever.

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