Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Miscellaneous -- May 28, 2024

Locator: 47975M.

Opinions of EVs: conservative respondents vs liberal respondents. Link here. This is one of the most interesting polls I've seen regarding this subject. I guess it's what we might expect. But 75% of "liberals" still have a positive opinion of ICE-vehicles.

Chinese emissions: link here.

Is Someone Spying On Me?

I'm sure it's just coincidental, but for some unknown reason I get messages with regard to movies from Reddit.com, usually one message every one or two days. Sometime late last week I was re-visiting Hellboy (2004 -- the original) -- one of my favorite movies -- and actually bought a copy for streaming from Amazon.com

We have Amazon's Fire Stick and we have Amazon's Echo (Alexa), which, of course, listens to everything we say. But as far as I know, there is no known relationship between Reddit and Amazon / Alexa.

But yesterday, one message from Reddit.com and it had to do with Hellboy (2019). It could have been completely coincidental, but one really wonders.

I never saw Hellboy (2019) and based on reviews I doubt I ever will. Reviews suggest that Hellboy (2004) is the best of the three (?).

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