Tuesday, January 23, 2024

NDIC Hearing Dockets -- February, 2024

Locator: 46623DOCKETS.

February hearing dockets posted.   

Link here.

The NDIC hearing dockets are tracked here.

As usual this is done very quickly and using shorthand for my benefit. There will be factual and typographical errors on this page. Do not quote me on any of this. It's for my personal use to help me better understand the Bakken. Do not read it. If you do happen to read it, do not make any investment, financial, job, relationship, or travel plans based on anything you read here or think you may have read here. If this stuff is important to you, and I doubt that it is, but if it is, go to the source. These are cases, not permits.

Friday, February 23, 2024,
Two Cases

The cases:

  • 30663, Resonance Exploration, unitization plan for the South Westhope-Charles (Huber) Unit Area, Bottineau County;
  • 30664, Resonance Exploration, unitization plan for the South Westhope-Charles (Huber) Unit Area, Bottineau County;

Thursday, February 22, 2024 
Seven Pages

The cases

  • 30668, Incline Bakken, revoke permit issue to phoenix Operating to drill #40447, Daniele 26-35-2 3H; Divide County.
  • 30689, South Tobacco Garden-Bakken, Grayson Milll, establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit; one well; McKenzie County.
  • 30690, NDIC, review to determine if a sufficient number of well have been drilled in a particular 2560-acre unit, McKenzie and Williams counties;
  • 30691, Starbuck, Empire North Dakota, recomplete #40245, Walleye 32-8 1H, Bottineau County;
  • 30692, Starbuck, Empire North Dakota, recomplete #16897, SMU 14-21 1, Bottineau;
  • 30693, Lost Bridge-Bakken, XTO, two wells to be used as injections wells for a pilot EOR operation; #32917, Nygaard Federal 13X-58XC; and, #32921, Nygaard Federal 13X-5AXD, Lost Bridge-Bakken, Dunn County;
  • 30694, EOG, Parshhall-Bakken, establish two overlapping 1920-aacre units; one well on each unit; Mountrail County;
  • 30695, Wave Petroleum, SWD --> freshwater well; Gaylord Field, Stark County;
  • 30696, Phoenix Operating, Green Lake and/or Blue Ridge-Bakken, establish a 2560-acre; 5 wells; Williams County;
  • 30697, Dakota Energy, Dimond, Clear Water, Vanville, Niobe-Bakken, establish three overlapping standup 1920-acree units; four on each unit; total of 12 wells; Burke County
  • 30698, Dakota Energy, Noonan-Bakken, estaablish a standup 1920-aacre unit; four wells; Divide County;
  • 30699, Regnar Exploration, pooling;
  • 30700, Regnar Exploration, pooling;
  • 30701, Cobra Oil & Gas, pooling;
  • 30702, Grayson Mill, pooling;
  • 30703, Grayson Mill, South Tobacco Garden-Bakken; eight wells on an existing 1280-acre unit; McKenzie County; see this post.
  • 30704, EOG, pooling;
  • 30705, EOG, pooling;
  • 30706, EOG, pooling;
  • 30707, CLR, commingling,
  • 30708, CLR, commingling,
  • 30709, CLR, commingling,
  • 30710, CLR, SWD,
  • 30711, CLR, SWD,
  • 30712, Slawson, SWD

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Seven Pages

The cases:

  • 30665, NDIC, establish spacing units in the Burg, Big Stone, and Skabo-Bakken, numerous operator, Divide, Williams
  • 30666, NDIC, establish or alter spacing units in the Bailey and Murphy Creek-Bakken, T144-R94; and T143-R94; Dunn County;
  • 30667, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken, establish an overlapping standup 1920-acre unit; four wells; establish an overlapping 3840-acre unit, one well; Williams County;
  • 30668, Hess, Big Butte-Bakken, establish an overlapping 2560-acre unit; one well, Mountrail County;
  • 30669, Hess, Blue Buttes-Bakken, establish an overlapping laydown 1280-acre unit; one well; McKenzie County;
  • 30670, MRO, Bailey and/or Werner-Bakken, establish four overlapping 2560-acre units; one well in each, Dunn County:
    • four overlapping 2560-acre spacing units described as Sections 13, 14, 23 and 24; Sections 14, 15, 22 and 23; Sections 26, 27, 34 and 35; and Sections 27, 28, 33 and 34, T.146N., R.93W., Dunn County, ND, and authorize one horizontal well to be drilled on each such unit, or granting such other relief as may be appropriate. See this post.
  • 30671, NDIC, consider the temporarily abandoned status of #6738, E. J. Feland 25-6; Haas Field, Bottineau;
  • 30672, NDIC, SWD,
  • 30673, NDIC, a bond issue;
  • 30674, MRO, Bailey-Bakken, eight wells on two standup 1280-acre units; Dunn County; I can't tell if this is a total of eight wells or 8x2 = 16 wells. I suspect the latter.
  • 30675, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken, six wells on a 1280-acre unit; Dunn County;
  • 30676, Hess, Beaver Lodge-Bakken, ten wells on a 1280-acre unit; Williams County; 1280-acre unit: sections 16/21-156-95. See this post.
  • 30677, Hess, pooling
  • 30678, Hess, pooling
  • 30679, Hess, pooling
  • 30680, Hess, pooling
  • 30681, Hess. commingling
  • 30682, Hess. commingling
  • 30683, Hess. commingling
  • 30684, True Oil, pooling
  • 30685, Grayson Mill, commingling,
  • 30686, Petro-Hunt, pooling,
  • 30687, SET Williston, pooling,

Tuesday, February 13, 2024
One Case

The cases (both are continued cases):

  • 30604.
  • 30606,

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