Sunday, March 7, 2021

Folks On Social Media Are Already Asking "The Question" -- March 7, 2021

First question: what role is the US CIA playing in all of this? Timing is interesting, coming so soon after "return to normal OPS in Washington, DC." The CIA loves these kinds of things. After being caged for the past four years, the CIA might be back in business. I'm certainly not saying that. One can start to find these questions being asked on social media.

Apparently some missiles, drones are finding their targets. 

Before the attackes:

  • Brent ends the weekend at $69.36.
  • WTI ends the weekend at $66.09.
  • OPE basket ends the weekend at $62.15.

If You Don't Screen / Test For It, It Won't Be Found

Link here


  1. Off topic, but I know you are a big reader of nonfiction. (I'm not, prefer trolli...I mean surfing...the Internet.) But there's this guy Tom Holland, who I find very fascinating (in a "no homo" way, but still). He has written several popular histories (Rome, Persia, early Islam, Greece). Are you into him? This video gives you a feel for the guy:

    1. Thank you, much appreciated. I will watch for Tom Holland books when I visit bookstores (Half-Price books) and if nothing there, Amazon. Thank you. Bruce.


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