Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Notes From All Over -- The Early Evening Edition -- January 27, 2021

Wow, what an incredible treat. After an incredibly busy day, TCM is airing the second episode in The Thin Man series, After The Thin Man (1936). What a great way to begin the evening. And, of all things, Jimmy Stewart is in this movie. Who would have guessed? By the way, last night Cary Grant was in a 1933 movie -- I forget the name right now -- who knew that Cary Grant was in a movie back in 1933?! I did not know he was that "old." It turns out he was born in 1904, so he was 29 years old at the time. And that was his second movie. 

Ah, there it is: I'm No Angel with Mae West, and Cary Grant, 1933.

Of all things, Cary Grant also played the mock turtle in Alice in Wonderland in the same year (1933).

Anyway, a huge day. A very busy, busy day. I won't look at the market futures tonight, and am not yet sure what I will watch tomorrow. If I tune into CNBC the only show I will watch will be Melissa's Fast Money. During periods of such volatility I often stay away from the market if at all possible. 

But, wow, what a great mood. Apple is just incredible. So much to say, but I might save that for later or simply let the analysts and experts carry the day. 

I mentioned Apple increased its dividend. So did Canadian Pacific Railway. With all the pipeline issues, is it surprising to see CP increasing its dividend? Its new dividend is 74.36 cents/share but it's still paying only 0.9%. Norfolk Southern also increased its dividend (did I already post that?) to ninety-nine cents.

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site.  Do not make any investment, financial, job, career, travel, or relationship decisions based on what you read here or think you may have read here.  

Among everything else I received today, I also received a great note from Vern Whitten. 

Teddy Roosevelt -  perhaps his most famous and inspirational quote.
For many years, my dad carried a tattered copy of this in his wallet. He was inspired by it, as am I. Recently, I printed this artistic version on heavyweight canvas and plan to offer them online.

For graduation, inspiration, and accomplishments, these make classy and unique gifts. If you'd like some, please let me know, and I will give you more details.

 Here's a screenshot of the Roosevelt quote and canvas:

Apparently Mr Whitten has had a number of folks interested in a hard copy of this and sent a copy my way to put on the blog in case anyone else might be interested. 

If interested please contact Vern Whitten: 
  • Vern Whitten Photography
  • (701) 261-7658

I have no financial / monetary / fiduciary relationship with Mr Whitten. He has simply provided a large  number of incredible aerial photographs of the Bakken for posting on the blog over the past decade. Apparently he has quite a following. 

I'm sure Mr Whitten would love to hear from you. Check out his website -- you will see a huge number of wonderful aerial photographs of North Dakota and Minnesota.

A Reward For Reading This Far

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