Sunday, September 13, 2020

Project Tundra Sets Up Second Test Well -- Source -- September 13, 2020

The story:

  • test well rig just south of the main plant at the Milton R. Young Station
  • plant's owner: Minnkota Power Cooperative
  • first-of-its-kind CO2 capture and storage initiative
  • legislative leaders shown a table of boxes filled with rock core samples from well drilled this summer four miles to the northwest

No doubt it was the table of boxes filled with rocks that swayed them.


  1. Is there a way to post a picture in these comments? I have pictures of the rig onsite if you would like one?

    1. Wow, thank you very much. I don't think there's any way to upload a photo in the "Comment" section.

      You can send it to my e-mail address ( but you probably prefer not, concerned about your privacy. I don't save e-mail addresses, and I don't pay attention to names on e-mail folks send to me unless there is a previous relationship.

      If you have a website or another place where you post photos, I could always retrieve the photo there.

      Whether it happens or not, a big "thank you" for thinking of me and taking time to write.

  2. Ill send a few pictures to your email, Ive been reading your blog since close to the beginning and I feel I know enough about you to know that there will be zero privacy issues, you're a great man Bruce!

    1. That's very, very generous. I can guarantee you there will be readers that will enjoy the photos. Thank you. Bruce

    2. I got the photos, thank you very much. I won't reply to your e-mail to minimize opportunity for "Yahoo Mail!" to track these things. LOL. Also it prevents me from looking at anything else that might have been on the e-mail except your comments on the photographs and the photos themselves.

      On another note: isn't technology great! I cannot believe how clear those photos are. And what a great view of North Dakota. Love it. Don't the operators keep those pads incredibly neat and clean. It's very, very impressive. So, now we know: if you see a baby blue rig in the distance in North Dakota, it's a "Cyclone"!


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