Wednesday, March 11, 2020

"Focus On Fracking" May Be Your Best Source For Real-Time Data -- March 11, 2020

For the time being -- maybe the next six months -- the best source for estimating projected global oil in storage will be "Focus On Fracking." The very detailed summaries come out weekly, late Sunday night.


  1. thanks, Bruce....ill be working off the supply & demand figures from the March OPEC report this week, hoping that everyone understands that demand estimates in the current situation are pretty much a crapshoot...

    1. I agree completely -- a complete crapshoot. But the nice thing about blogging: one can more freely make guestimates -- and adjust their guestimates in real-time. It's frustrating that we aren't given basic information in news articles about how much capacity there is out there, etc. Even if you don't provide guestimates, you provide enough data that folks can make their own guesses.


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