Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Two Wells Coming Off The Confidential List Today -- February 11, 2020

Hope springs eternal: Canada stands out in Baker Hughes rig count
In the United States the January 2020 rig count was 791, down from the 804 units the firm counted the previous month. Compared to January 2019, the January 2020 figure is down 274 – a nearly 26-percent drop year-on-year.
Posting an increase for both periods, however, was Canada. According to Baker Hughes, the average Canadian rig count rose 51 percent from December 2019 to January 2020 – from 135 to 204, respectively. The 204-rig count reflects a 16-percent increase from the 176 Canadian rigs Baker Hughes counted in January 2019.
Back to the Bakken 

Active rigs:

Active Rigs5563583641

Two wells coming off confidential list today --

Tuesday, February 11, 2020: 34 for the month; 141 for the quarter, 141 for the year:
  • 36679, drl, XTO, Mariner 14X-36POW-S, Bear Creek,
  • 36047, 1,085, Oasis, Lewis Federal 5300 11-31-4BR, Baker, t8/19; cum 110K 12/19;
RBN Energy: midstreamers' benefiting from past decisions, new investments
The Shale Revolution created enormous opportunities for U.S. midstream companies. But opportunities are only that. It’s what individual midstreamers did with those opportunities through the 2010s — the decisions each made on where to invest and what to invest in — that will help determine how well they will do over the next decade and beyond. And the best way to assess the wisdom of these investments is to examine them one by one, and consider their locations, their exposure to risk and their potential for growth. Today, we discuss highlights from the newly released company-by-company portion of East Daley Capital’s “Dirty Little Secrets” report.

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