Monday, August 12, 2019

Fifteen New Permits -- August 12, 2019

Active rigs:

Active Rigs6160573372

Fifteen new permits, #36825 - #36839, inclusive):
  • Operators: XTO (10), BR (5)
  • Fields: Charlson, Hofflund, Alkali Creek
  • Comments:
    • XTO has ten permits as part of the HBU Muller unit in Hofflund oil field (one in Alkali Creek); section 12-154-95; that section currently has one producing well, #18143
      • 18143, 1,065, XTO, Hofflund, HBU Marmon 41X-12, Hofflund, t9/09; cum 185K 6/19; the well was originally names "Marmon" but was then changed to "HBU Marmon" -- 6/19/2019; Three Forks, O/H frack; 1 million lbs sand;
    • BR has permits for a five-well Three Rivers/Three Washers pad in the Charlson, section 34-153-95: in that drilling unit, there are six producing wells; three older ones; three news ones; of note, the older ones: 
      • 20635, 2,477, BR, Frio 24-34H, Charlson, t6/12; cum 277K 6/19; huge jump in production (from 2K bopm to 14K bopm in 9/18)
      • 20636, 1,363, BR, Brazos 24-34H, Charlson, t6/12; cum 198K 6/19;
      • 20637, 1,980, BR, Llano 34-34H, Charlson, t6/12; cum 275K 6/19;
One permit canceled:
  • Whiting: a Ray permit in Mountrail County
Three permits renewed:
  • Texakota: three H. Borstad permits in Williams County 
Fifteen Permits; Another "Unit" Project; It's Startin' To Get Fun

Fun, Fun, Fun, Beach Boys

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